Praca porusza zagadnienie techniki realistycznej symulacji dużych zbiorników wodnych (takich jak morza, jeziora) dla grafiki 3D, za pomocą uproszczonego równania Naviera-Stokesa (równania płytkiej wody). Równanie to rozwiązywane jest za pomocą metody Kassa-Millera (niejawnej metody naprzemiennych kierunków) - dla każdego wiersza i kolumny dyskretnej, równomiernej, dwuwymiarowej siatki wody rozwiązywany jest układ liniowy z trójdiagonalną macierzą współczynników. Metoda ta jest stabilna, oraz szybka, ponieważ rozwiązuje proste układy liniowe. Do znalezienia rozwiązań tych ostatnich używana jest iteracyjna metoda Jacobiego. Istotnymi aspektami pracy są: wykorzystanie procesora graficznego (poprzez architekturę CUDA) do obliczeń związanych z s...
Při vykreslování velkých vodních ploch v reálném čase, je zapotřebí efektivní metody k reprezentaci ...
Graphics processing unit (GPU) has become a powerful computation platform not only for graphic rende...
We present a new method for animating water based on a simple, rapid and stable solution of a set of...
Praca porusza zagadnienie techniki realistycznej symulacji dużych zbiorników wodnych (takich jak mor...
Several methods for simulating a body of water and a water surface has been investigated. A method ...
The goal of this thesis is to find a suitable model of fluids, the numerical simulation of which can...
Fluid simulating is one of the most difficult problems in computer graphics. On the other hand, wate...
This thesis discusses methods of easily rendering and simulating water, as well as simulating its ef...
This thesis explores the possibility of using graphics processing units (GPUs) to compute approximat...
This diploma thesis addresses the problem of liquid and gas simulation, it particularly deals with c...
Navier-Stokesove jednadžbe temelj su računalno simulirane dinamike protoka fluida. Kao skup složenih...
This thesis addresses the real-time simulation of 3D water, both on the CPU and on the GPU. The sta...
In the past 15 years the field of general purpose computing on graphics processing units, or GPUs, h...
A two-dimensional water wave model based on potential flow is investigated with the intention of sim...
The paper presents the results of the implementation of computational algorithms of hydrodynamics fo...
Při vykreslování velkých vodních ploch v reálném čase, je zapotřebí efektivní metody k reprezentaci ...
Graphics processing unit (GPU) has become a powerful computation platform not only for graphic rende...
We present a new method for animating water based on a simple, rapid and stable solution of a set of...
Praca porusza zagadnienie techniki realistycznej symulacji dużych zbiorników wodnych (takich jak mor...
Several methods for simulating a body of water and a water surface has been investigated. A method ...
The goal of this thesis is to find a suitable model of fluids, the numerical simulation of which can...
Fluid simulating is one of the most difficult problems in computer graphics. On the other hand, wate...
This thesis discusses methods of easily rendering and simulating water, as well as simulating its ef...
This thesis explores the possibility of using graphics processing units (GPUs) to compute approximat...
This diploma thesis addresses the problem of liquid and gas simulation, it particularly deals with c...
Navier-Stokesove jednadžbe temelj su računalno simulirane dinamike protoka fluida. Kao skup složenih...
This thesis addresses the real-time simulation of 3D water, both on the CPU and on the GPU. The sta...
In the past 15 years the field of general purpose computing on graphics processing units, or GPUs, h...
A two-dimensional water wave model based on potential flow is investigated with the intention of sim...
The paper presents the results of the implementation of computational algorithms of hydrodynamics fo...
Při vykreslování velkých vodních ploch v reálném čase, je zapotřebí efektivní metody k reprezentaci ...
Graphics processing unit (GPU) has become a powerful computation platform not only for graphic rende...
We present a new method for animating water based on a simple, rapid and stable solution of a set of...