When investigating intercultural communication in healthcare settings, interprofessional communication has received very little scholarly attention compared to doctor-patient interactions. Interactions among doctors, however, are an important locus for the organizational life of a hospital as the way these professionals communicate will promote (or hinder) professional effectiveness and efficiency. This paper presents the findings of a study that explores the perceptions concerning the degree and frequency of communicative conflict of 61 migrant doctors working in public healthcare institutions in the central region of El Maule in Chile. Drawing on data from a survey on communicative conflicts, the study analyses the perceptions of the migr...
Much research has investigated communicative difficulties between local doctors and immigrant patien...
Objective: Due to migration, doctors see patients from different ethnic backgrounds. This causes cha...
El estudio de los conflictos comunicacionales entre profesionales migrantes y nacionales en context...
When investigating intercultural communication in healthcare settings, interprofessional communicati...
When investigating intercultural communication in healthcare settings, interprofessional communicati...
Background: The way in which communicative conflicts are confronted, as part of the acculturation pr...
The way in which communicative conflicts are confronted, as part of the acculturation process, can c...
El estudio de los conflictos comunicacionales entre profesionales migrantes y nacionales en contexto...
Nowadays, young women and their children are the most important migrant users of health-care service...
Objectives. To investigate the perceptions of primary health workers (PHW) about the challenges of h...
La comunicación en el ámbito médico-sanitario necesita una mayor revisión. Los resultados obtenidos ...
Nowadays, young women and their children are the most important migrant users of health-care service...
Hospitals involve a complex socio-technical health system, where communication failures influence th...
Healthcare institutions are among the contexts which are heavily characterised by interlingual and i...
Nowadays, young women and their children are the most important migrant users of healthcare service...
Much research has investigated communicative difficulties between local doctors and immigrant patien...
Objective: Due to migration, doctors see patients from different ethnic backgrounds. This causes cha...
El estudio de los conflictos comunicacionales entre profesionales migrantes y nacionales en context...
When investigating intercultural communication in healthcare settings, interprofessional communicati...
When investigating intercultural communication in healthcare settings, interprofessional communicati...
Background: The way in which communicative conflicts are confronted, as part of the acculturation pr...
The way in which communicative conflicts are confronted, as part of the acculturation process, can c...
El estudio de los conflictos comunicacionales entre profesionales migrantes y nacionales en contexto...
Nowadays, young women and their children are the most important migrant users of health-care service...
Objectives. To investigate the perceptions of primary health workers (PHW) about the challenges of h...
La comunicación en el ámbito médico-sanitario necesita una mayor revisión. Los resultados obtenidos ...
Nowadays, young women and their children are the most important migrant users of health-care service...
Hospitals involve a complex socio-technical health system, where communication failures influence th...
Healthcare institutions are among the contexts which are heavily characterised by interlingual and i...
Nowadays, young women and their children are the most important migrant users of healthcare service...
Much research has investigated communicative difficulties between local doctors and immigrant patien...
Objective: Due to migration, doctors see patients from different ethnic backgrounds. This causes cha...
El estudio de los conflictos comunicacionales entre profesionales migrantes y nacionales en context...