Performance and power efficiency are two of the most critical aspects of computing systems. Moore's law (the doubling of transistors in a chip every 18 months), coupled with Dennard scaling, enabled a synergy between device, circuit, microarchitecture, and architecture to drive improvements in those two critical aspects. With the recent end of Dennard scaling, on-chip transistor count continues to increase, but the smaller transistor size no longer provides performance per power gain. The divergence between transistor density increases and power efficiency gain decreases results in processor design paradigm shifts from the single-core CPU architecture to the multicore or manycore CPU architecture, and eventually to the heterogeneous archite...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2021System-on-Chips (SoC) are the engines of modern comput...
The power consumption of digital circuits, e.g., Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), is directly...
Semiconductor technology scaling has long been a source of dramatic gains in our computing capabilit...
none3siDate of Publication: 31 maggio 2013This paper proposes a near-zero area overhead adaptive gua...
Sensitivity of the microprocessor to voltage fluctuations is becoming a major concern with growing e...
......Microprocessors must operate re-liably across a wide range of environmental conditions and wor...
Coordinated Power Management in Heterogeneous Processors Indrani Paul 164 pages Directed by Dr. S...
Parameter variations have become a dominant challenge in microprocessor design. Voltage variation is...
In recent years, circuit reliability in modern high-performance processors has become increasingly i...
In recent years, circuit reliability in modern high-performance processors has become increasingly i...
Abstract—Parameter variations have become a dominant chal-lenge in microprocessor design. Voltage va...
Abstract—Parameter variations have become a dominant chal-lenge in microprocessor design. Voltage va...
Current processor designs have a critical operating point that sets a hard limit on voltage scaling....
This paper proposes a new model of functional units for variation-induced timing errors due to PVT v...
© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2021System-on-Chips (SoC) are the engines of modern comput...
The power consumption of digital circuits, e.g., Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), is directly...
Semiconductor technology scaling has long been a source of dramatic gains in our computing capabilit...
none3siDate of Publication: 31 maggio 2013This paper proposes a near-zero area overhead adaptive gua...
Sensitivity of the microprocessor to voltage fluctuations is becoming a major concern with growing e...
......Microprocessors must operate re-liably across a wide range of environmental conditions and wor...
Coordinated Power Management in Heterogeneous Processors Indrani Paul 164 pages Directed by Dr. S...
Parameter variations have become a dominant challenge in microprocessor design. Voltage variation is...
In recent years, circuit reliability in modern high-performance processors has become increasingly i...
In recent years, circuit reliability in modern high-performance processors has become increasingly i...
Abstract—Parameter variations have become a dominant chal-lenge in microprocessor design. Voltage va...
Abstract—Parameter variations have become a dominant chal-lenge in microprocessor design. Voltage va...
Current processor designs have a critical operating point that sets a hard limit on voltage scaling....
This paper proposes a new model of functional units for variation-induced timing errors due to PVT v...
© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2021System-on-Chips (SoC) are the engines of modern comput...
The power consumption of digital circuits, e.g., Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), is directly...
Semiconductor technology scaling has long been a source of dramatic gains in our computing capabilit...