171 From Aararat Spanish Pk [Peak] Pilot Pk [Peak] Washington Hill Richmond Hill & Sawpit Flat on south side val [valley] of Mid Fork Feather Canon about 3500 deep Shallower higher Many landslides Glacial action apparent in sculpture [about] val [valley] of Onion Valley Creek heading on Pilot Pk [Peak] Fall of Willow Crk [Creek] 40 ft [feet] vert [vertical] into pool v [very] deep [Fishful] Fine cascades higher 172 stream about Yosem [Yosemite] [cr] Crk [Creek]. Down the Mid Fork Can [Canon] the Torreya v [very] ab [abundant] as small bushes -- Madrona at Joe Whites Elevation 1600 ft [feet] -- All the way from Hartmanns Bar to Whites (7 hrs [hours]) the can [canon] is delightfully ferned & mossed & watered with silvery leaping brooks stone ...