169 Sketch: Mt [Mount] Aararat alt [altitude] 5160; Lava 500 ft [feet] thick; gold bearing gravel 35 ft [feet] thick; slate (meta [metamorphic]); granite; River mid Fork of Feather alt [altitude] 1750 Marble Point 1200 ft [feet] at riv [river] 2 conspicuous serrated ridge coming forward & terminating abruptly with sheer face to the river on N [north] side, Feathered sparsely with pines & downy chap [chaparral] & beautifully modelled with downswooping [cirrus]. Marble Cone, ferns 170 In ascending from river bed one passes over a few veins of quartz & slates of various species mostly talcose & metamorphic, also veins of marble, a large out crop of wh [which] occurs a few hundred yds [yards] up the river above the mouth of Willow Crk [Creek]ht...