163 Hartmanns Bar Middle fork Feather Alt [altitude] 1750 ft [feet]. South side canon wall 3000 ft [feet] high Lava capped on top few feet thick, then granite to river. Wall sloped 25 [degrees] somewhat nearly uniform Few vertical faced headlands of granite Many [Ava] slopes & ravines Sug [sugar] & yel [yellow] pines maple in gulches. Chap [chaparral] -- L-oak [live-oak] manzan [manzanita] Chinquapin ceanothus Dense on S [south] wall Sparse on N [north] Large portions of N [north] wall nearly timberless where sun beaten. Pines on both 164 sides occur in hollows & ravine slopes producing a barred & dotted appearance Whole physiognomy of the canon similar to that of Merced & Tuol [Tuolumne] at same elevations. The sculp [sculpture] less regul...