Static random access memory (SRAM) is one the most sensitive devices to radiation. It may often exhibit undesired reversals of memory bits, called single-event upsets or soft errors. Sensitivity to such undesired events is widely quantified with the parameter of cross sections, which varies from cell to cell due to process variations. Many efforts have been made to quantify such variations, most commonly using simulations that often become a hurdle especially for commercial-off-the-shelf SRAMs. In this regard, an analysis method is proposed to extract such variations easily from radiation test data. It relies on the data retention voltage, which is an electrical parameter associated with the static noise margin. This voltage can be measured...
Static random access memory cells (SRAM) are high-speed semiconductor memory that uses flip-flop to...
As transistor sizes scale down to nanometres dimensions, CMOS circuits become more sensitive to radi...
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP15449-ART (XPLORE) ISBN: 978-1-5090-0232-0 (XPLORE) IEEE Catalog Number: CFP...
Single-event upset (SEU) hardness varies across dies, wafers, and lots—even just after fabrication a...
Static random access memories (SRAMs) are prone to a single-event upset (SEU), also known as soft er...
With the rise of the transistor in the 1970s, electronics shifted from analog circuitry, where value...
International audienceThis article reviews state-of-the-art techniques for the evaluation of the eff...
The power consumption of Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) has become an important issue for modern...
© 1963-2012 IEEE. This paper presents a novel radiation monitor that is based on a custom static ran...
International audienceThis paper presents a single event upset (SEU)sensitivity characterization at ...
International audienceRecently, the occurrence of multiple events in static tests has been investiga...
Methodologies are proposed for in-depth statistical analysis of Single Event Upset data. The motivat...
In aerospace industry, Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) are a c...
The static random access memory (SRAM) of an ultralow power system-on-chip (SoC) was tested for sing...
An embedded system for SEU(single event upset) test needs to be designed to prevent system failure b...
Static random access memory cells (SRAM) are high-speed semiconductor memory that uses flip-flop to...
As transistor sizes scale down to nanometres dimensions, CMOS circuits become more sensitive to radi...
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP15449-ART (XPLORE) ISBN: 978-1-5090-0232-0 (XPLORE) IEEE Catalog Number: CFP...
Single-event upset (SEU) hardness varies across dies, wafers, and lots—even just after fabrication a...
Static random access memories (SRAMs) are prone to a single-event upset (SEU), also known as soft er...
With the rise of the transistor in the 1970s, electronics shifted from analog circuitry, where value...
International audienceThis article reviews state-of-the-art techniques for the evaluation of the eff...
The power consumption of Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) has become an important issue for modern...
© 1963-2012 IEEE. This paper presents a novel radiation monitor that is based on a custom static ran...
International audienceThis paper presents a single event upset (SEU)sensitivity characterization at ...
International audienceRecently, the occurrence of multiple events in static tests has been investiga...
Methodologies are proposed for in-depth statistical analysis of Single Event Upset data. The motivat...
In aerospace industry, Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) are a c...
The static random access memory (SRAM) of an ultralow power system-on-chip (SoC) was tested for sing...
An embedded system for SEU(single event upset) test needs to be designed to prevent system failure b...
Static random access memory cells (SRAM) are high-speed semiconductor memory that uses flip-flop to...
As transistor sizes scale down to nanometres dimensions, CMOS circuits become more sensitive to radi...
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP15449-ART (XPLORE) ISBN: 978-1-5090-0232-0 (XPLORE) IEEE Catalog Number: CFP...