An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.KIDDIE r 7^ Your choice of Martha Washington. Vancouver Maid and Tillie Froaks. Girl and Lajiy sizes. See our new styles UPSTAIRS. MAGRATH, ALBERT^, FRIDAY, «JUNE 9, 1939 8 to 1 PEP up your wardrobe and your spirits with a bright, new Home Frock, Dainty dresses of pique, tic too, et® suitable for school wear. Many different styles. Good values at only For a really smart Play Suit get a G. W. G. Matched Blouse & Slack Set, Colors of Green and Maroon. Priced at $3.50 a set. *------- --------------- -----M--------------— We have a new style of ladies’ Oxfords with neat cut out on vamp...