An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.PHONLS--OFFICE 21-HARDWARE 34-DRY GOODS 124 ' GROCERIES 4 FRIDAY NOV. 26th.l954 FRIDAY N0V.26th.1954 jt' Mr ’.MWW •• r- •?. A',-A 7 You are invited to call and see a Formal Gown Showing FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 26th.& 27th. LADIE’S READY TO WEAR DEPARTMENT.(UP STAIRS) There will be gowns in f- and Dull lengths in various styles and materials. Dresses ORDERS CAN BE PLACED. Sweaters Ideal and smart with skirts and jumpers are the new plain knit LADY ANNE, low Turtle necked sweaters, with long sleeves* Colors White and Black. PRICE — $5.95 PaRTY B-.T.T.EKTK^’S FESTIVE SEASON. Ma...