An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.I STORE HOURS'. 8 a*n to 6 p.a, Wed, 8 a.a, to 1 p.n. Sat, 8 a,a, to 7 p,aa ✓ - J — — - Magrath Trading Co„ Ltd, b'agrath; Albertao TELEPHONE NO.S Office...21 Hardware 34 Groceries 4r2 Dry Goods 4r3 LADIES Welcome warm cosy CHENILLE HOUSECOATS in popular shades of American Beauty Turquoise Coral Yellow Powder Blue All sizes. Smart SCOTISH PLAIDS for the Modern Missy Sizes: 16 and 18 and 20, CHILDREN1S QUILTED SATIN ROBES in pastel blue and pink. Sizes 2 to 6, EIDERDOWN BATHROBES in dark patterns. Belted styles. CHENILLE HOUSECOATS "Just like Mother’s" In shades of Rose Aqua America...