An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.MAGRATH ALBERTA. Friday, October 5th, 1945. STORE HOURSj 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. TELEPHONE NUMBERSj. — 20% OFF ON 2 RACKS OP ASSORTED DROSSES. B=23 NEW ARRIVALS 1, CHILDREN’S RED COAT SWEATERS 2 to 6 yre $1.35 9 j 2. PINK WOOL SWEATERS for Two or Three Year* Olds. (We have 1 blue). $1,89 Roth .L AJj.. U ,notton nsutiiifttiKhi STRIPES IN ASSORTED COLORS. ROUND NECK. SIZES 2 -to 6 yrB. inclusive. 3# HIGH CHAIR PAD* in Pink or Blue figured cover, with tapeB to tie pads in plaee. I 69C $1*95 MiminiiiiiniMffil! " --------- ! STBaswEnaE 4. hGtIdRtL cSi’ BDnOnNTHNTEi-TmSc in Royal Blue or Americ...