The urban space has a dynamic process of transformation that is influenced, with a greater or lesser intensity, by the owners of the means of production, land owners, property developers, the state and excluded social groups. This research aims at demonstrating that the production of urban space and the housing expansion in Campo Mourão (PR), Brazil, were stimulated by public funding, in particular the Program Minha Casa Minha Vida, implemented by the Federal Government, contributing to a production of urban space with the purpose of speculation, and leading to spatial segregation. Through the use of maps of the urban area, aerial images of the districts Jardim Albuquerque and Conjunto Cohapar, and indicators of the Demographic Census perfo...
As Missões Jesuíticas possuem relevante papel no processo de ocupação e de urbanização da região nor...
En el principio del siglo XIX, con la expasión de los asentamientos humanos en Minas Gerais, el Gobi...
The research propounds to analyze how the merchantability of land and the increasing use of housing ...
A moradia é o elemento de maior representatividade no crescimento da malha urbana, uma vez que, cada...
“Paper metropolises” are urban centers in established metropolitan regions that present no functiona...
O debate a respeito dos processos de financeirização da produção imobiliária brasileira é obscurecid...
El Estado brasileño actuó con relación a la cuestión habitacional de diversas maneras, destacándose ...
The housing Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (My Home My Life) - MCMV, instituted by the Federal govern...
Urbanização não se restringe ao crescimento físico dos artefatos – as cidades ou seus prolongamentos...
At the beginning of this century, Brazilian cities have been the scene of intense real estate produc...
This article evaluates the implementation of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program (PMCMV) in the city ...
The consolidation of ‘Cracolândia’ da Luz in São Paulo came to the surface some speeches and practic...
The brazilian urbanization process happened in practical terms in the XX century. Nevertless, contra...
This work aims to demonstrate the relationships between urban production, city structuring and land ...
In the last centuries, the advent of the industry imposed severe transformations to the cities space...
As Missões Jesuíticas possuem relevante papel no processo de ocupação e de urbanização da região nor...
En el principio del siglo XIX, con la expasión de los asentamientos humanos en Minas Gerais, el Gobi...
The research propounds to analyze how the merchantability of land and the increasing use of housing ...
A moradia é o elemento de maior representatividade no crescimento da malha urbana, uma vez que, cada...
“Paper metropolises” are urban centers in established metropolitan regions that present no functiona...
O debate a respeito dos processos de financeirização da produção imobiliária brasileira é obscurecid...
El Estado brasileño actuó con relación a la cuestión habitacional de diversas maneras, destacándose ...
The housing Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (My Home My Life) - MCMV, instituted by the Federal govern...
Urbanização não se restringe ao crescimento físico dos artefatos – as cidades ou seus prolongamentos...
At the beginning of this century, Brazilian cities have been the scene of intense real estate produc...
This article evaluates the implementation of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program (PMCMV) in the city ...
The consolidation of ‘Cracolândia’ da Luz in São Paulo came to the surface some speeches and practic...
The brazilian urbanization process happened in practical terms in the XX century. Nevertless, contra...
This work aims to demonstrate the relationships between urban production, city structuring and land ...
In the last centuries, the advent of the industry imposed severe transformations to the cities space...
As Missões Jesuíticas possuem relevante papel no processo de ocupação e de urbanização da região nor...
En el principio del siglo XIX, con la expasión de los asentamientos humanos en Minas Gerais, el Gobi...
The research propounds to analyze how the merchantability of land and the increasing use of housing ...