Jestivo cvijeće dio je tradicionalne medicine već stoljećima, ali se koristi i u kuhinji kao sastojak u različitim jelima poput juha i salata te kao dekoracija. U posljednje vrijeme, jestivo cvijeće postaje kulinarski trend. Sve veći interes za jestivo cvijeće u kulinarstvu potiču kuharice, kulinarski članci te televizijske emisije s naglaskom na njihove hranjive i funkcionalne sastojke. Cilj ovog rada je dati pregled dosadašnjih spoznaja o najproučavanijim vrstama jestivog cvijeća vezana uz njihovu nutritivnu vrijednost, antioksidacijsku aktivnost, funkcionalnost te postupke prerade, pakiranja i skladištenja, a obuhvaća cvjetove ukrasnog bilja, povrća te začinskog bilja.Edible flowers have been a part of traditional medicine for centuries,...
Sama ideja o upotrebi jestivih zaštitnih filmova već duže vrijeme zaokuplja pažnju znanst...
Edible flowers have been widely consumed for ages until now. The attractive colors and shapes, exoti...
This work aimed to characterize the use of edible flowers for gastronomic purposes. A survey was d...
Jestivo cvijeće dio je tradicionalne medicine već stoljećima, ali se koristi i u kuhinji kao sastoja...
V globálním měřítku lidé stále více zaměřují pozornost na atraktivní a chutné pokrmy. Jak kvalita po...
Sve više jača svijest o važnosti zdrave prehrane kao i o utjecaju iste na zdravlje ljudi. Upravo zbo...
Jestivo cvijeće dio je tradicionalne medicine već stoljećima, ali se koristi i za pripremu različiti...
This thesis deals with the characteristics of edible flowers, their possible of usage in gastronomy,...
Traditionally, edible flowers have been used in alternative medicine by several cultures around the ...
Edible flowers have been traditionally used for human consumption in various cultures. They improve ...
This thesis deals with the edible flowers, their contained substances and favourable influence on pe...
This thesis on Biologically active substances selected assortment of edible flowers is deal with des...
Edible flowers have a long history of consumption in the form of vegetable flowers, fruit flowers or...
Diploma thesis is focused on the storage and processing of edible flowers. Was stored 10 kinds of ed...
Cilj rada bio je prikupiti podatke o cvjetnim vrstama koje se mogu koristiti u kulinarstvu. Svaka o...
Sama ideja o upotrebi jestivih zaštitnih filmova već duže vrijeme zaokuplja pažnju znanst...
Edible flowers have been widely consumed for ages until now. The attractive colors and shapes, exoti...
This work aimed to characterize the use of edible flowers for gastronomic purposes. A survey was d...
Jestivo cvijeće dio je tradicionalne medicine već stoljećima, ali se koristi i u kuhinji kao sastoja...
V globálním měřítku lidé stále více zaměřují pozornost na atraktivní a chutné pokrmy. Jak kvalita po...
Sve više jača svijest o važnosti zdrave prehrane kao i o utjecaju iste na zdravlje ljudi. Upravo zbo...
Jestivo cvijeće dio je tradicionalne medicine već stoljećima, ali se koristi i za pripremu različiti...
This thesis deals with the characteristics of edible flowers, their possible of usage in gastronomy,...
Traditionally, edible flowers have been used in alternative medicine by several cultures around the ...
Edible flowers have been traditionally used for human consumption in various cultures. They improve ...
This thesis deals with the edible flowers, their contained substances and favourable influence on pe...
This thesis on Biologically active substances selected assortment of edible flowers is deal with des...
Edible flowers have a long history of consumption in the form of vegetable flowers, fruit flowers or...
Diploma thesis is focused on the storage and processing of edible flowers. Was stored 10 kinds of ed...
Cilj rada bio je prikupiti podatke o cvjetnim vrstama koje se mogu koristiti u kulinarstvu. Svaka o...
Sama ideja o upotrebi jestivih zaštitnih filmova već duže vrijeme zaokuplja pažnju znanst...
Edible flowers have been widely consumed for ages until now. The attractive colors and shapes, exoti...
This work aimed to characterize the use of edible flowers for gastronomic purposes. A survey was d...