Küçüktaşdemir, Güliz; URBAN INTERIORS: ARCADES IN ANKARA MEMORY, (1950- 1980), Proficiency in Art Program Thesis, Ankara, Ağustos 2018. This research was conducted in the post-Republican period of the 20th century in Ankara. It is a study about arcades. The study takes 'place' is Ankara. Ankara is being studied includes the years 1950-1980 when deep-rooted changes in the socio-economic, cultural and political environment took place. Regarding this study, Ankara is at the center of ideological, social, bureaucratic, and political structuring that makes the new 'capital' ideal as the heart of the nation. In its scope, the study, which deals with the routines of the city, is structuring its area on the basis of everyday life practice. ...