In July 2018, Japan experienced two contrasting, yet consecutive, extreme events: a devastating flood in early July followed by unprecedented heat waves a week later. Death tolls from these two extreme events combined exceeded 300, accompanying tremendous economic losses (BBC: July 24, 2018; AP: July 30, 2018). Meteorological analysis on these 2018 events quickly emerged (JMA-TCC, 2018; Kotsuki et al., 2019; Tsuguti et al., 2019), highlighting several compound factors: a strengthened subtropical anticyclone, a deepened synoptic trough, and Typhoon Prapiroon that collectively enhanced the Baiu rainband (the Japanese summer monsoon), fostering heavy precipitation. The comprehensive study of these events, conducted within a month and released ...
Extremely heavy rainfall events occurred over western Japan in early July 2018. This study assesses ...
EXPLAINING EXTREME EVENTS OF 2017 FROM A CLIMATE PERSPECTIVE (Supecial Supplement to the Bulletin of...
South Korea's heat wave events over 39 years (1980-2018) were defined by spatiotemporal criteri...
In July 2018, Japan experienced two contrasting, yet consecutive, extreme events: a devastating floo...
The occurrence of extreme precipitation events is now a serious concern in recent years in Japan. Th...
Monsoonal airflow from the tropics triggers torrential rainfall over coastal regions of East Asia in...
The characteristics of the heavy rainfall event in July 2018 are long-lasting and widespread rainfal...
The potential compounding behaviour of heatwaves and extreme rainfall have important implications fo...
In June-July 2020 two remarkable weather events occurred in northern Eurasia. One is a severe heat w...
In July 2004, torrential rainfalls caused significant damages in parts of Japan, followed by heat wa...
With the growing importance of taking stepwise adaptation measures to climate change, we conducted a...
Abstract East of Eurasia, moist air is transported poleward, forming the Meiyu–Baiu front over East ...
Extreme rainfall events cause severe flooding and/or landslides almost every summer in Japan. It see...
Portions of East Asia often experienced extremely heavy rainfall events over the last decade. Intens...
Previous studies have demonstrated that the strong East Asian summer monsoon results mainly from the...
Extremely heavy rainfall events occurred over western Japan in early July 2018. This study assesses ...
EXPLAINING EXTREME EVENTS OF 2017 FROM A CLIMATE PERSPECTIVE (Supecial Supplement to the Bulletin of...
South Korea's heat wave events over 39 years (1980-2018) were defined by spatiotemporal criteri...
In July 2018, Japan experienced two contrasting, yet consecutive, extreme events: a devastating floo...
The occurrence of extreme precipitation events is now a serious concern in recent years in Japan. Th...
Monsoonal airflow from the tropics triggers torrential rainfall over coastal regions of East Asia in...
The characteristics of the heavy rainfall event in July 2018 are long-lasting and widespread rainfal...
The potential compounding behaviour of heatwaves and extreme rainfall have important implications fo...
In June-July 2020 two remarkable weather events occurred in northern Eurasia. One is a severe heat w...
In July 2004, torrential rainfalls caused significant damages in parts of Japan, followed by heat wa...
With the growing importance of taking stepwise adaptation measures to climate change, we conducted a...
Abstract East of Eurasia, moist air is transported poleward, forming the Meiyu–Baiu front over East ...
Extreme rainfall events cause severe flooding and/or landslides almost every summer in Japan. It see...
Portions of East Asia often experienced extremely heavy rainfall events over the last decade. Intens...
Previous studies have demonstrated that the strong East Asian summer monsoon results mainly from the...
Extremely heavy rainfall events occurred over western Japan in early July 2018. This study assesses ...
EXPLAINING EXTREME EVENTS OF 2017 FROM A CLIMATE PERSPECTIVE (Supecial Supplement to the Bulletin of...
South Korea's heat wave events over 39 years (1980-2018) were defined by spatiotemporal criteri...