Relation between the p-values of colocalization analysis for a collection of genomic tracks and the number of elements within each track. Relation between the p-values of colocalization analysis for a collection of genomic tracks and the number of elements within each track (a) for DNase I hypersensitive site (N=838, hg19) (b) DNase I hypersensitive sites (N=95, hg38). (PDF 39 kb
Figure S5. Profile of reads with primer-dimers in contigs with high coverage peaks at regions of low...
KEGG pathway size distribution. Parsed KEGG databases consisted of 116 pathways, with the smallest p...
Figure S3. Visual inspection reveals consistent overlap between HOMER peaks and OCRs at peak size of...
Distribution of the observed test statistic and the average test statistic under the null model for ...
Distribution of the observed test statistic and the average test statistic under the null model for ...
Overlap of public genomic tracks with genome assembly gaps of hg19 and hg38. Overlap of public genom...
Distribution of the observed test statistic and the average test statistic under the null model for ...
The relationship between the proportion of CpG sites and the mutation densities. Proportion of CpGs ...
Background The current versions of reference genome assemblies still contain gaps re...
The relationship between the number of potential sites for a given type of mutations and the number ...
The relationship between nucleotide diversity of the gene sequences and the densities of somatic mut...
(A) Dinucleotide mutation bias among TE copies belonging to different TE orders. Mutation rates were...
p -values of model comparison. The tables show p-values of Wilcoxon signed ranked tests comparing th...
A zoomed-in 600kb region of synteny identified with lower gap threshold in MCScanX between the refer...
The full area under curve estimates at different group sizes for all 14 methods. Higher values repre...
Figure S5. Profile of reads with primer-dimers in contigs with high coverage peaks at regions of low...
KEGG pathway size distribution. Parsed KEGG databases consisted of 116 pathways, with the smallest p...
Figure S3. Visual inspection reveals consistent overlap between HOMER peaks and OCRs at peak size of...
Distribution of the observed test statistic and the average test statistic under the null model for ...
Distribution of the observed test statistic and the average test statistic under the null model for ...
Overlap of public genomic tracks with genome assembly gaps of hg19 and hg38. Overlap of public genom...
Distribution of the observed test statistic and the average test statistic under the null model for ...
The relationship between the proportion of CpG sites and the mutation densities. Proportion of CpGs ...
Background The current versions of reference genome assemblies still contain gaps re...
The relationship between the number of potential sites for a given type of mutations and the number ...
The relationship between nucleotide diversity of the gene sequences and the densities of somatic mut...
(A) Dinucleotide mutation bias among TE copies belonging to different TE orders. Mutation rates were...
p -values of model comparison. The tables show p-values of Wilcoxon signed ranked tests comparing th...
A zoomed-in 600kb region of synteny identified with lower gap threshold in MCScanX between the refer...
The full area under curve estimates at different group sizes for all 14 methods. Higher values repre...
Figure S5. Profile of reads with primer-dimers in contigs with high coverage peaks at regions of low...
KEGG pathway size distribution. Parsed KEGG databases consisted of 116 pathways, with the smallest p...
Figure S3. Visual inspection reveals consistent overlap between HOMER peaks and OCRs at peak size of...