On Saturday 1 December 2012, the Sixteenth Annual Convention of the George Eliot Fellowship of Japan was held at Kansai University of Foreign Studies. The morning session started with an opening address by Chizuko Watari (Kansai University of Foreign Studies). Three papers were presented in the morning session. The first two were commented upon by Midori Niino (Kobe University of Foreign Studies) and the third by Masayuki Kato (Kobe University). The first speaker was Ayako Tani (Fukuoka University), whose subject was \u27The Idea of a Double in Daniel Deronda: Grandcourt\u27s Death and Gwendolen\u27s Rebirth\u27. Grandcourt\u27s death has been often criticized as an expedient part of the plot. What Tani focused on in her argument was the id...