On Saturday 26 November 2005, the ninth Annual Convention of the George Eliot Fellowship of Japan was held at Tokyo Kasei University. The morning session began with an opening remark by Kazuo Fujikawa (Okayama University), followed by a welcome address by Keiji Yata (Tokyo Kasei University). In the morning, we had three papers presented. The first two papers were introduced and commented upon by Miwa Ohta (Chuo University), and the third by Yoko Nagai (Keio University). The first paper, \u27Janet\u27s Repentance - The story of an unhappy, married couple -\u27 was presented by Naomi Ohno (Toyo University). She focused on the two main characters, Janet Dempster and her husband Robert Dempster, and analysed the story from the viewpoint of th...