The seventh annual convention of the George Eliot Fellowship of Japan was held at Nihon University in Tokyo, on Saturday 29 November 2003. The morning session began with an opening address by Kimitaka Hara, a vice-president of the Japanese Branch and a professor at Nihon University. In the morning, three members read their papers under the chairmanship of Noriko Kubota, a professor at Tsuru Bunka University and Kyoko Kishimoto, a professor at Kyoto Sangyo University. The first paper, \u27The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton - the beginning of conflict\u27 was presented by Naomi Ohno, a lecturer at Toyo University. She analysed the four main characters, Amos Barton, his wife Milly, his daughter Patty, and the Countess and explained...