The eleventh annual convention of the George Eliot Fellowship of Japan was held at Chuo University on Saturday 24 November 2007. The morning session began with an opening address by Miwa Ohta (Chuo University). Four papers were presented in the morning; the first two were introduced and commented upon by Michiko Kurisu (Daito Bunka University), and the last two by Shigeko Tomita (Koshien University). The first paper was titled \u27Rethinking Adam Bede - Why Does No One Help Hetty?\u27 by Mayumi Fujita (Kwansei Gakuin University). Starting with a question about the severe treatment of Hetty, Ms. Fujita examined the moral implications of \u27comfort\u27 and \u27work\u27 in the novel. After pointing out the particular importance placed upon \u...