The popularity of wearing costumes and masks has a long tradition. The phenomenon called cosplay began to be discussed for the first time in the 1980s. Cosplayers are fans of media content that not only wear costumes, but they also try to imitate the character's character on festivals. Some individuals, thanks to their activity, become celebrities themselves within the community. Fans may not always be just a passive group of recipients of media content. This thesis focuses on how these positions can be achieved and how the hierarchy is shaped in the Czech cosplay community. The theoretical framework is based on findings of fan studies. Methods used for data collection include participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The time...
Cosplay is a poorly understood phenomenon related to popular culture. Currently, however, it is slow...
Tato práce se zabývá fenoménem fandomu v prostředí a době internetu, a to na základě antropologickéh...
Tato práce si klade za cíl zmapovat českou cosplay scénu prostřednictvím zúčastněného pozorování na ...
Obliba nošení kostýmů a masek má dlouhodobou tradici. O fenoménu zvaném cosplay se ale začíná poprvé...
The article addresses the establishment and peculiarities of cosplay as a youth urban subculture in ...
The cosplay, as a subculture, is a complex and stratified media and socio-cultural pheno...
This thesis analyses the concept of cosplay by critically engaging earlier theories that have claime...
Based on the Semiotics theory of Culture, by Tartu-Moscow School, and on consumption theories, this ...
Tato práce se zabývá vlivem tržního systému na cosplay komunitu. Cosplay, složený z anglických slov ...
Today cosplay is a constant growing subculture of people dressing up in costumes of their favourite ...
Cosplay is one part of Japanese pop culture in the world, as well in Indonesia, and it has a lot of ...
Graduation date: 2017The purpose of this study was to explore motivations behind participation in co...
This study investigates parasocial interaction and identification with media characters in cosplayin...
Through cosplay (costume play), fans perform existing fictional characters in self-created costumes,...
Tato práce se soustředí na český a seriálový fandom, který charakterizuje prostřednictvím terénního ...
Cosplay is a poorly understood phenomenon related to popular culture. Currently, however, it is slow...
Tato práce se zabývá fenoménem fandomu v prostředí a době internetu, a to na základě antropologickéh...
Tato práce si klade za cíl zmapovat českou cosplay scénu prostřednictvím zúčastněného pozorování na ...
Obliba nošení kostýmů a masek má dlouhodobou tradici. O fenoménu zvaném cosplay se ale začíná poprvé...
The article addresses the establishment and peculiarities of cosplay as a youth urban subculture in ...
The cosplay, as a subculture, is a complex and stratified media and socio-cultural pheno...
This thesis analyses the concept of cosplay by critically engaging earlier theories that have claime...
Based on the Semiotics theory of Culture, by Tartu-Moscow School, and on consumption theories, this ...
Tato práce se zabývá vlivem tržního systému na cosplay komunitu. Cosplay, složený z anglických slov ...
Today cosplay is a constant growing subculture of people dressing up in costumes of their favourite ...
Cosplay is one part of Japanese pop culture in the world, as well in Indonesia, and it has a lot of ...
Graduation date: 2017The purpose of this study was to explore motivations behind participation in co...
This study investigates parasocial interaction and identification with media characters in cosplayin...
Through cosplay (costume play), fans perform existing fictional characters in self-created costumes,...
Tato práce se soustředí na český a seriálový fandom, který charakterizuje prostřednictvím terénního ...
Cosplay is a poorly understood phenomenon related to popular culture. Currently, however, it is slow...
Tato práce se zabývá fenoménem fandomu v prostředí a době internetu, a to na základě antropologickéh...
Tato práce si klade za cíl zmapovat českou cosplay scénu prostřednictvím zúčastněného pozorování na ...