Tato práce si klade za cíl zmapovat českou cosplay scénu prostřednictvím zúčastněného pozorování na festivalech a setkáních zaměřených na sci-fi a fantasy a prostřednictvím polostrukturovaných rozhovorů s coplayery. Ve své práci hledám odpovědi na otázky ohledně vzniku zájmu o cosplay, aspektů této činnosti a důvodů pro ni. Výsledky zkoumání propojuji s koncepty liminality, communitas a liminoidu Victora Turnera a serious leisure Roberta A. Stebbinse.The aim of this work is to map Czech cosplay scene by participated observation at festivals and conventions specialized in sci-fi and fantasy and by semi-structured interviews with cosplayers. In my work I am looking for answers regarding the beginning of concern in cosplay, aspects of this a...
This thesis deals with a sport audience phenomenon, in particular with the concrete SK Slavia Praha ...
One of the oldest complex forms of intermediality is the static live-performance adaptation of the i...
The output of my Diploma thesis is a parade formed by six specific puppets - life sized marionettes ...
Cosplay to aktywność, w której fani przebierają się za fikcyjne postacie z tekstów kultury popularne...
Tato práce se zabývá vlivem tržního systému na cosplay komunitu. Cosplay, složený z anglických slov ...
The popularity of wearing costumes and masks has a long tradition. The phenomenon called cosplay beg...
Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na téma Cosplay - identita, kultura, hybridizace, kmen. V teoretic...
Little scholarship exists on the topic of cosplay. In this paper, I propose an idea to begin craftin...
The article addresses the establishment and peculiarities of cosplay as a youth urban subculture in ...
Diplomová práce je rozdělena na dvě hlavní části - část teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část ...
The Editorial of the Magazine Luciérnaga- Comunicación N20, puts in the agenda the Cosplay, in this ...
This study investigates the importance of costume in relation to various ways of play such as Renais...
The Editorial of the Magazine Luciérnaga- Comunicación N20, puts in the agenda the Cosplay, in this ...
The cosplay, as a subculture, is a complex and stratified media and socio-cultural pheno...
I chaired and helped organise three costume based sessions on 17th 18th and 19th June as part of Pr...
This thesis deals with a sport audience phenomenon, in particular with the concrete SK Slavia Praha ...
One of the oldest complex forms of intermediality is the static live-performance adaptation of the i...
The output of my Diploma thesis is a parade formed by six specific puppets - life sized marionettes ...
Cosplay to aktywność, w której fani przebierają się za fikcyjne postacie z tekstów kultury popularne...
Tato práce se zabývá vlivem tržního systému na cosplay komunitu. Cosplay, složený z anglických slov ...
The popularity of wearing costumes and masks has a long tradition. The phenomenon called cosplay beg...
Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na téma Cosplay - identita, kultura, hybridizace, kmen. V teoretic...
Little scholarship exists on the topic of cosplay. In this paper, I propose an idea to begin craftin...
The article addresses the establishment and peculiarities of cosplay as a youth urban subculture in ...
Diplomová práce je rozdělena na dvě hlavní části - část teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část ...
The Editorial of the Magazine Luciérnaga- Comunicación N20, puts in the agenda the Cosplay, in this ...
This study investigates the importance of costume in relation to various ways of play such as Renais...
The Editorial of the Magazine Luciérnaga- Comunicación N20, puts in the agenda the Cosplay, in this ...
The cosplay, as a subculture, is a complex and stratified media and socio-cultural pheno...
I chaired and helped organise three costume based sessions on 17th 18th and 19th June as part of Pr...
This thesis deals with a sport audience phenomenon, in particular with the concrete SK Slavia Praha ...
One of the oldest complex forms of intermediality is the static live-performance adaptation of the i...
The output of my Diploma thesis is a parade formed by six specific puppets - life sized marionettes ...