The maximum directed >14cm sardine catch recommended to be caught west of Cape Agulhas during 2017 was initially set at 21 400t (DAFF 2016) based on the method set out in de Moor and Butterworth (2016). The mid-year revision in the South African sardine and anchovy TACs and TABs for 2017 is to be based on OMP-14, as OMP-17 is still under development. The maximum directed >14cm sardine catch recommended to be caught west of Cape Agulhas thus requires some revision to take account of further work on the underlying sardine Operating Model and information resulting from the 2017 recruit survey
Short term projections of the sardine resource are considered under alternative constant catch scena...
Annual May/June survey estimates of sardine recruitment east of Cape Infanta are low in comparison t...
The latest Candidate Management Procedure (CMP) proposed to be used as the next Operational Manageme...
Butterworth (2016) outlined a draft process for setting the initial directed >14cm sardine TAC for 2...
As the November survey estimate of sardine abundance was less than 300 000t, the Exceptional Circums...
This paper summarises proposals on the many and varied issues that need to be addressed in reaching ...
de Moor and Butterworth (2016a) undertook an initial risk analysis to consider the risk to the sardi...
OMP-14, the management procedure to be used to recommend total allowable catches (TACs) and bycatche...
Following the declaration of Exceptional Circumstances for sardine, a TAC and TABs for sardine for 2...
At the March 2014 Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group (SPSWG) meeting it was agreed that the mos...
The Operational Management Procedure (OMP) to be used to recommend total allowable catches and bycat...
Relatively simple Harvest Control Rules which recommend either a single directed sardine Total Allow...
The next Operational Management Procedure (OMP) under development for the South African sardine and ...
The below average recruitment to the sardine population in 2004 and 2005 has sparked concern as to w...
An acceptable maximum level of risk for the South African sardine resource has been calculated by co...
Short term projections of the sardine resource are considered under alternative constant catch scena...
Annual May/June survey estimates of sardine recruitment east of Cape Infanta are low in comparison t...
The latest Candidate Management Procedure (CMP) proposed to be used as the next Operational Manageme...
Butterworth (2016) outlined a draft process for setting the initial directed >14cm sardine TAC for 2...
As the November survey estimate of sardine abundance was less than 300 000t, the Exceptional Circums...
This paper summarises proposals on the many and varied issues that need to be addressed in reaching ...
de Moor and Butterworth (2016a) undertook an initial risk analysis to consider the risk to the sardi...
OMP-14, the management procedure to be used to recommend total allowable catches (TACs) and bycatche...
Following the declaration of Exceptional Circumstances for sardine, a TAC and TABs for sardine for 2...
At the March 2014 Small Pelagic Scientific Working Group (SPSWG) meeting it was agreed that the mos...
The Operational Management Procedure (OMP) to be used to recommend total allowable catches and bycat...
Relatively simple Harvest Control Rules which recommend either a single directed sardine Total Allow...
The next Operational Management Procedure (OMP) under development for the South African sardine and ...
The below average recruitment to the sardine population in 2004 and 2005 has sparked concern as to w...
An acceptable maximum level of risk for the South African sardine resource has been calculated by co...
Short term projections of the sardine resource are considered under alternative constant catch scena...
Annual May/June survey estimates of sardine recruitment east of Cape Infanta are low in comparison t...
The latest Candidate Management Procedure (CMP) proposed to be used as the next Operational Manageme...