Raw data on skull measurements. Each sheet contains collection identity numbers, sex and species (and breed/variety) affiliation, regional (if not a domestic breed) and temporal information, as well as all measurements of used specimen. (XLSX 48Â kb
Domestic animals are often described as paedomorphic, meaning that they retain juvenile characterist...
TpsDig output for 2) upper third molar, 3) upper second premolar, 4) lower third molar, and 5) lower...
F inbreeding coefficient based on observed and expected autosomal homozygous genotype counts. Figure...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Sample information. Table S2. TE reference sequence. Table S3. Primers ...
Table S8. Overview of sampled breeds and descriptive statistics of the re-sequenced samples. (XLSX 1...
Figure S1. Multi-Dimensional-Scaling of the distance matrix underlying the phylogenetic tree, based ...
Table S1. Description and accession numbers for canine genomes processed in this study. Indications ...
Notes 1â3 providing supplementary methods and results of copy number analysis. (DOCX 1850Â kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. Summary of sequencing statistics (adapted from Bovo et al.[8]). The tab...
Standardized FST values (di) for all studied breeds averaged within ten-SNP sliding windows. (XLSX 4...
Summary characteristics of core regions (CR) or core haplotypes (CH) in the studied pig breeds. (XLS...
Figure S2. Genetic variability indexes computed in SVS using the 126k SNP dataset. a Mean values of ...
Comparison of selected phenotypic traits for the studied pig breeds. (DOCX 19 kb
Genes detected within the strongest diversifying selection signals detected in the studied pig breed...
Figure S1. Z-transformed FST scores for Cagan and Blass locus. Figure S2. Demographic model for vill...
Domestic animals are often described as paedomorphic, meaning that they retain juvenile characterist...
TpsDig output for 2) upper third molar, 3) upper second premolar, 4) lower third molar, and 5) lower...
F inbreeding coefficient based on observed and expected autosomal homozygous genotype counts. Figure...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Sample information. Table S2. TE reference sequence. Table S3. Primers ...
Table S8. Overview of sampled breeds and descriptive statistics of the re-sequenced samples. (XLSX 1...
Figure S1. Multi-Dimensional-Scaling of the distance matrix underlying the phylogenetic tree, based ...
Table S1. Description and accession numbers for canine genomes processed in this study. Indications ...
Notes 1â3 providing supplementary methods and results of copy number analysis. (DOCX 1850Â kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. Summary of sequencing statistics (adapted from Bovo et al.[8]). The tab...
Standardized FST values (di) for all studied breeds averaged within ten-SNP sliding windows. (XLSX 4...
Summary characteristics of core regions (CR) or core haplotypes (CH) in the studied pig breeds. (XLS...
Figure S2. Genetic variability indexes computed in SVS using the 126k SNP dataset. a Mean values of ...
Comparison of selected phenotypic traits for the studied pig breeds. (DOCX 19 kb
Genes detected within the strongest diversifying selection signals detected in the studied pig breed...
Figure S1. Z-transformed FST scores for Cagan and Blass locus. Figure S2. Demographic model for vill...
Domestic animals are often described as paedomorphic, meaning that they retain juvenile characterist...
TpsDig output for 2) upper third molar, 3) upper second premolar, 4) lower third molar, and 5) lower...
F inbreeding coefficient based on observed and expected autosomal homozygous genotype counts. Figure...