Additional file 1: Table S1. Sample information. Table S2. TE reference sequence. Table S3. Primers for 1–10 Mb SV validation. Table S4. Primers for SV genotype accuracy validation. Table S5. Number of all SV types identified per individual. Table S6. SV distribution for different length ranges. Table S7. Information on SV loci annotated as HIGH impact. Table S8. Top 5% fixed index (FST) statistics based on Weir and Cockerham. Table S9. Primers for significant loci of skeletal-related traits
The result summary of sequence reads mapping using Bowtie2. Table S4. List of candidate genes result...
Additional file 6: Fig. S6. The Manhattan plots of GWAS for the number of left and right teats trait...
Comparison of selected phenotypic traits for the studied pig breeds. (DOCX 19 kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. Summary of sequencing statistics (adapted from Bovo et al.[8]). The tab...
Table S1. Summary of significant chromosome regions including genomic level (0.05/N) for NM in Landr...
All one megabase window associations explaining more than 0.4Â % of the genomic variation for a trai...
Table S2. Genome-wide estimated FST values between different contrasts of breed groups for all loci ...
Summary characteristics of core regions (CR) or core haplotypes (CH) in the studied pig breeds. (XLS...
Standardized FST values (di) for all studied breeds averaged within ten-SNP sliding windows. (XLSX 4...
Table S5. Overview of SNPs in the region from 52 to 61Â Mb on chromosome X, including results of fil...
The QTLs recorded in the Pig QTL database [ 11 ] are organized based on trait ontology, and we used ...
Additional file 2: Table S1. Statistics of the resequencing data produced by this study. Table S2. O...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Primers and annealing temperatures used for PCRs in this research. Tabl...
Figure S1. Genetic relationships between individuals before and after removing closely related indiv...
Figure S2. Neighbor-joining tree based on all SNPs in the second part of the selective sweep region ...
The result summary of sequence reads mapping using Bowtie2. Table S4. List of candidate genes result...
Additional file 6: Fig. S6. The Manhattan plots of GWAS for the number of left and right teats trait...
Comparison of selected phenotypic traits for the studied pig breeds. (DOCX 19 kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. Summary of sequencing statistics (adapted from Bovo et al.[8]). The tab...
Table S1. Summary of significant chromosome regions including genomic level (0.05/N) for NM in Landr...
All one megabase window associations explaining more than 0.4Â % of the genomic variation for a trai...
Table S2. Genome-wide estimated FST values between different contrasts of breed groups for all loci ...
Summary characteristics of core regions (CR) or core haplotypes (CH) in the studied pig breeds. (XLS...
Standardized FST values (di) for all studied breeds averaged within ten-SNP sliding windows. (XLSX 4...
Table S5. Overview of SNPs in the region from 52 to 61Â Mb on chromosome X, including results of fil...
The QTLs recorded in the Pig QTL database [ 11 ] are organized based on trait ontology, and we used ...
Additional file 2: Table S1. Statistics of the resequencing data produced by this study. Table S2. O...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Primers and annealing temperatures used for PCRs in this research. Tabl...
Figure S1. Genetic relationships between individuals before and after removing closely related indiv...
Figure S2. Neighbor-joining tree based on all SNPs in the second part of the selective sweep region ...
The result summary of sequence reads mapping using Bowtie2. Table S4. List of candidate genes result...
Additional file 6: Fig. S6. The Manhattan plots of GWAS for the number of left and right teats trait...
Comparison of selected phenotypic traits for the studied pig breeds. (DOCX 19 kb