Modern microarchitectures employ memory hierarchies involving one or more levels of cache memory to hide the large latency gap between the processor and main mem-ory. Cycle-accurate simulators need to accurately model such memory hierarchies to produce useful results. Simi-larly, worst-case execution time analyzers require faithful models, both for soundness and precision. Unfortunately, sufficiently precise documentation of the logical organiza-tion of the memory hierarchy is seldom available publicly. In this paper, we propose a method to infer a number of these properties automatically. In particular, we describe algorithms to detect the cache size, associativity and block size.
In this paper, the authors characterize application performance with a memory-centric view. Using a ...
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between hit ratio of cache memory and desig...
Abstract. We have developed a set of microbenchmakrs for accurately determining the structural chara...
Abstract—Modern microarchitectures employ memory hier-archies involving one or more levels of cache ...
On modern computers, the running time of many applications is dominated by the cost of memory opera...
On modern computers, the running time of many applica-tions is dominated by the cost of memory opera...
A processor’s memory hierarchy has a major impact on the performance of running code. As memory hier...
) Sandeep Sen y Siddhartha Chatterjee z Submitted for publication Abstract We describe a model...
Because of the infeasibility or expense of large fully-associative caches, cache memories are often ...
Application performance on modern microprocessors depends heavily on performance related characteris...
Cache behavior is complex and inherently unstable, yet it is a critical factor affecting program per...
We present a model that enables us to analyze the running time of an algorithm on a computer with a ...
As the processor-memory performance gap continues to grow, so does the need for effective tools and ...
The time a program takes to execute is significantly affected by the efficiency with which it utilis...
Memory hierarchies have long been studied by many means: system building, trace-driven simulation, ...
In this paper, the authors characterize application performance with a memory-centric view. Using a ...
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between hit ratio of cache memory and desig...
Abstract. We have developed a set of microbenchmakrs for accurately determining the structural chara...
Abstract—Modern microarchitectures employ memory hier-archies involving one or more levels of cache ...
On modern computers, the running time of many applications is dominated by the cost of memory opera...
On modern computers, the running time of many applica-tions is dominated by the cost of memory opera...
A processor’s memory hierarchy has a major impact on the performance of running code. As memory hier...
) Sandeep Sen y Siddhartha Chatterjee z Submitted for publication Abstract We describe a model...
Because of the infeasibility or expense of large fully-associative caches, cache memories are often ...
Application performance on modern microprocessors depends heavily on performance related characteris...
Cache behavior is complex and inherently unstable, yet it is a critical factor affecting program per...
We present a model that enables us to analyze the running time of an algorithm on a computer with a ...
As the processor-memory performance gap continues to grow, so does the need for effective tools and ...
The time a program takes to execute is significantly affected by the efficiency with which it utilis...
Memory hierarchies have long been studied by many means: system building, trace-driven simulation, ...
In this paper, the authors characterize application performance with a memory-centric view. Using a ...
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between hit ratio of cache memory and desig...
Abstract. We have developed a set of microbenchmakrs for accurately determining the structural chara...