Title: Design and Politics in Czech Summary: Design and Politics in the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) The first official organization for design was established by the Czechoslovakian government in 1964. Since it was prohibited to use a word "design" in the name of the newly established organization, because it promoted the "forbidden style" of Western Europe, the organization was called The Council for Creative Culture of the Production. The Council was composed of ministries' representatives and the secretariat, which focused on design exhibitions and their evaluation. The Council also began to cooperate on the international level. In 1967, the Czechoslovakian Council was accepted into the International Council of Societies of Industria...
Title: Development of Czech and Dutch architectures in the first half of the 20th century and their ...
L'Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans les Temps Modernes in Paris (1937) offered, ...
The goal of this diploma work is to clarify the development of Czech porcelain production between 19...
Mr. Michl posed the question of how the institutional framework that the former communist regime se...
The study will follow up young Czechoslovak Republic looking for the architectonic forms of its repr...
L'Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans les Temps Modernes in Paris (1937) offered, ...
Topic of this work is Czechoslovakia and Paneuropa union in 1923-1930. The work is focused on develo...
The text deals with the strategy of exhibiting Czech neo-constructivist art abroad (in "Western" Eur...
The thesis focuses on the contacts between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, specifically in the ...
The Milan Triennial moved into new exhibition spaces in 1933 and saw a major development in its hist...
The thesis will focus on the foreign exhibitions in Prague at prague associations and art galleries ...
The article aims to provide a clear picture of the Czech Republic’s approach toward coping with the ...
The student will compile a thesis about the period of dogmatic socialist realism in czech architectu...
The thesis is looking into the establishment of Czechoslovakia from the perspective of territorial c...
This article considers the making of simple and routine ethnographic displays in 1960s and early 197...
Title: Development of Czech and Dutch architectures in the first half of the 20th century and their ...
L'Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans les Temps Modernes in Paris (1937) offered, ...
The goal of this diploma work is to clarify the development of Czech porcelain production between 19...
Mr. Michl posed the question of how the institutional framework that the former communist regime se...
The study will follow up young Czechoslovak Republic looking for the architectonic forms of its repr...
L'Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans les Temps Modernes in Paris (1937) offered, ...
Topic of this work is Czechoslovakia and Paneuropa union in 1923-1930. The work is focused on develo...
The text deals with the strategy of exhibiting Czech neo-constructivist art abroad (in "Western" Eur...
The thesis focuses on the contacts between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, specifically in the ...
The Milan Triennial moved into new exhibition spaces in 1933 and saw a major development in its hist...
The thesis will focus on the foreign exhibitions in Prague at prague associations and art galleries ...
The article aims to provide a clear picture of the Czech Republic’s approach toward coping with the ...
The student will compile a thesis about the period of dogmatic socialist realism in czech architectu...
The thesis is looking into the establishment of Czechoslovakia from the perspective of territorial c...
This article considers the making of simple and routine ethnographic displays in 1960s and early 197...
Title: Development of Czech and Dutch architectures in the first half of the 20th century and their ...
L'Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans les Temps Modernes in Paris (1937) offered, ...
The goal of this diploma work is to clarify the development of Czech porcelain production between 19...