Eksprestestu metodes hroma noteikšanā ūdens paraugos. Metļicka I. zinātniskais vadītājs Dr. ķīm., doc. Ģībietis J. Bakalaura darbs, 36 lappuses, 17 attēli, 20 tabulas, 24 literatūras avoti, 1 pielikums. Latviešu valodā. Darbā apkopota informācija par hroma ietekme uz cilvēka organismu, to noteikšanu ar kvalitatīvās un kvantitatīvās analīzes metodēm, kā arī eksprestestu metodēm. Eksperimentāli iegūts kalibrēšanas grafiks hroma (VI) fotometriskai noteikšanai ar difenilkarbazīdu, kā arī veikta hromāta noteikšanas teststrēmeļu kalibrēšana un pētīta dažādu faktoru (jonu spēka, pH) ietekme uz teststrēmeļu rādījumiem.Rapid tests methods for the determination of chromium in the water samples. Metļicka I., supervisor Dr. chem. Jānis Ģībietis...
A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of ...
Celem pracy było zoptymalizowanie i zwalidowanie metody oznaczania Cr(VI) występującego w wodach min...
De prestaties en de uitvoering van de valentie specifieke analyse van chroom in watermonsters wordt ...
Przedstawiona praca zawiera opis i wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w celu opracowania metody analitycz...
A method for the determination of chromiumspecies has been developed and success...
Total Cr in water samples is determined by spectrophotometric method. Chromium is present in water i...
The theoretical part of this master’s thesis is mainly focused on the physical and chemical properti...
In this study, a simple sample preparation method was developed for the determination of tri-and hex...
The analytical performance of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, absorption spectroph...
The two primary oxidation states of chromium in natural waters, Cr(Ill) and Cr(VI), differsignifican...
The research project is about the method validation for the determination of hexavalent chromium in ...
Chromium exists usually in the (III) or (VI) oxidation states. In contrast to Cr(III), which is esse...
Diferencēta dažu metālu jonu noteikšana ūdens šķīdumos ar eksprestestu metodi Zaķe L., zinātniskais ...
A flow-based method for the spectrophotometric determination of chromium (VI) in recreational waters...
Darba gaitā tika pētītas dihromāta reducēšana par hroma (III) joniem ĶSP noteikšanas mērījumos un tā...
A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of ...
Celem pracy było zoptymalizowanie i zwalidowanie metody oznaczania Cr(VI) występującego w wodach min...
De prestaties en de uitvoering van de valentie specifieke analyse van chroom in watermonsters wordt ...
Przedstawiona praca zawiera opis i wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w celu opracowania metody analitycz...
A method for the determination of chromiumspecies has been developed and success...
Total Cr in water samples is determined by spectrophotometric method. Chromium is present in water i...
The theoretical part of this master’s thesis is mainly focused on the physical and chemical properti...
In this study, a simple sample preparation method was developed for the determination of tri-and hex...
The analytical performance of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, absorption spectroph...
The two primary oxidation states of chromium in natural waters, Cr(Ill) and Cr(VI), differsignifican...
The research project is about the method validation for the determination of hexavalent chromium in ...
Chromium exists usually in the (III) or (VI) oxidation states. In contrast to Cr(III), which is esse...
Diferencēta dažu metālu jonu noteikšana ūdens šķīdumos ar eksprestestu metodi Zaķe L., zinātniskais ...
A flow-based method for the spectrophotometric determination of chromium (VI) in recreational waters...
Darba gaitā tika pētītas dihromāta reducēšana par hroma (III) joniem ĶSP noteikšanas mērījumos un tā...
A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of ...
Celem pracy było zoptymalizowanie i zwalidowanie metody oznaczania Cr(VI) występującego w wodach min...
De prestaties en de uitvoering van de valentie specifieke analyse van chroom in watermonsters wordt ...