The attention of this paper is drawn to analyze the economic potential of involvement of farmers into the small-medium sized value-based food chain (VBFC). The survey represents a solid dana basis from which econometric modelling approach was further developed. Empirical results reveal the positive economic viability on a general level; this means more stable purchase price of raw milk for dairy farms, which are the part of value-based food chain. Results point at inelastic demand for milk and milk related products. Furthermore, there are some accompanying and underlying indirect social benefits, such as production of high-quality food products, more stable and constant demand for raw milk, steady payments and better social situation. The l...
Za modernu proizvodnju kravljeg mlijeka najznačajnija je holštajn-frizijska pasmina goveda. Kako u s...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure of dairy value chain, determinants and impact...
Purpose: The objective of this research is to evaluate changes in the economic sustainability of dai...
The attention of this paper is drawn to analyze the economic potential of involvement of farmers int...
The attention of this paper is drawn to analyze the economic potential of involvement of farmers int...
Analizirali smo agroživilsko verigo z dodano vrednostjo in pridobili empirične rezultate o končnih v...
The aim of this paper is to explore the potentials of typical middle sized dairy farms (with 22 cows...
Proizvodnja mlijeka je vrlo značajna za Republiku Hrvatsku i ona ima važan udio u ukupnoj poljoprivr...
Sarajevo-Romanija region entirely belongs to the hilly and mountainous region where livestock produc...
U radu je analizirana problematika ekonomske isplativosti proizvodnje mlijeka na primjeru farme mlij...
Mlijeko je globalno zastupljen proizvod, koji ima veliku ulogu u prehrani svjetskog stanovništva. K...
U radu je istraživana ekonomičnost utroška biljnih i stočnih hraniva u poljoprivredi (i u proizvodnj...
V današnjem času se pojavljajo vedno večje težnje po trajnostni pridelavi hrane. Eden od takšnih nač...
In the paper is analyzed competitiveness of Serbian family dairy farms in lowland region in 2007, wi...
The issue of profitability of the agricultural production is often discussed within the framework of...
Za modernu proizvodnju kravljeg mlijeka najznačajnija je holštajn-frizijska pasmina goveda. Kako u s...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure of dairy value chain, determinants and impact...
Purpose: The objective of this research is to evaluate changes in the economic sustainability of dai...
The attention of this paper is drawn to analyze the economic potential of involvement of farmers int...
The attention of this paper is drawn to analyze the economic potential of involvement of farmers int...
Analizirali smo agroživilsko verigo z dodano vrednostjo in pridobili empirične rezultate o končnih v...
The aim of this paper is to explore the potentials of typical middle sized dairy farms (with 22 cows...
Proizvodnja mlijeka je vrlo značajna za Republiku Hrvatsku i ona ima važan udio u ukupnoj poljoprivr...
Sarajevo-Romanija region entirely belongs to the hilly and mountainous region where livestock produc...
U radu je analizirana problematika ekonomske isplativosti proizvodnje mlijeka na primjeru farme mlij...
Mlijeko je globalno zastupljen proizvod, koji ima veliku ulogu u prehrani svjetskog stanovništva. K...
U radu je istraživana ekonomičnost utroška biljnih i stočnih hraniva u poljoprivredi (i u proizvodnj...
V današnjem času se pojavljajo vedno večje težnje po trajnostni pridelavi hrane. Eden od takšnih nač...
In the paper is analyzed competitiveness of Serbian family dairy farms in lowland region in 2007, wi...
The issue of profitability of the agricultural production is often discussed within the framework of...
Za modernu proizvodnju kravljeg mlijeka najznačajnija je holštajn-frizijska pasmina goveda. Kako u s...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the structure of dairy value chain, determinants and impact...
Purpose: The objective of this research is to evaluate changes in the economic sustainability of dai...