U radu su slijedeća poglavlja: 1. Uvod, 2. Okviri rada u Podunavlju, 3. Pisci koji su pisali o jeziku i pravopisu, 4. O nazivu jezika, 5. Misli o grafijskim i pravopisnim rješenjima, 6. Zaključak, 7. Literatura. -Priložene su slike naslovnih stranica djela starijih hrvatskih pisaca u kojima se raspravlja o jeziku i pravopisu.Croatian writers from the Danube area worked under particular conditions: after the departure of the Turks they devoted themselves to the reconstruction of the country and to educational, literary and scientific work to satisfy the needs of the school system and of education in general. After the reign of Maria Theresa and Joseph II and up to the middle of the 19th century there was no significant philological activity,...