abstract: Prince Shendi is a novella set in the semi-fictional continent of Great Africa, specifically in a proud and prosperous region called Serengeti. Our story follows the thrilling adventure of Serengeti's king-to-be, the young and naive Shendi. When Kovalu, the mighty king of Serengeti and Shendi's father, passes away due to old age, Shendi is thrust into the gauntlet of responsibility in an early and unprepared state. After a short foray as the amateur king heavily assisted by the tenured members of Serengeti's Plain Council, Shendi encounters disaster that results in the death of an important council representative and the young king's temporary exile from Serengeti. The journey produced by his one hundred day exile takes Shendi thr...
Khaketla emphasises the essential and inner qualities of the medium of his novel Mosadi a nkhola (‘T...
Nanzi wants to become King told by Khaylly-Ann Aniceta, recorded on video for the Anansi Masters pro...
There are certain stories, the world over, that stir our hearts and minds to imaginings richer and d...
The kingdom of Sansland situated on the Azanian Peninsula has been ruled by Sorricians, the sky peop...
Book synopsis: The devastating influenza epidemic of 1918 ripped through southern Africa. In its aft...
This fantasy novel-in-progress, provisionally titled The Dragon Prince (300,000 words), follows the ...
Page range: 5-10This fictional short story features a soldier disturbed by his experience of counter...
Fantasy fiction has existed for millennia. Be it through oral tradition, plays, novels, or film and ...
Book synopsis: When Allan Quatermain is approached by Sir Henry Curtis and his friend Captain Good t...
thesisIn Calderon's !'Life is a Dream", Segismundo,the son of Basilio,king of Poland,has teen kept i...
Shaka Inkosi yamaKhosi is a short animation film that is set on the narrative of uShaka ka Senzangak...
This narrative discusses the fundamentalist Muslim uprisings which happened in central Africa in the...
Genre: Legend. Title: Pion pikariwu. Aloysius Sinde-Pima, then village chief of Desa Lidi, recorded ...
Elechi Amadi’s (b. 1934) novel The Great Ponds is a stylized, only seemingly simple, story about a c...
Vuta nkuvute (A Tug of War) is a feature-length fiction screenplay based on Adam Shafis award-winnin...
Khaketla emphasises the essential and inner qualities of the medium of his novel Mosadi a nkhola (‘T...
Nanzi wants to become King told by Khaylly-Ann Aniceta, recorded on video for the Anansi Masters pro...
There are certain stories, the world over, that stir our hearts and minds to imaginings richer and d...
The kingdom of Sansland situated on the Azanian Peninsula has been ruled by Sorricians, the sky peop...
Book synopsis: The devastating influenza epidemic of 1918 ripped through southern Africa. In its aft...
This fantasy novel-in-progress, provisionally titled The Dragon Prince (300,000 words), follows the ...
Page range: 5-10This fictional short story features a soldier disturbed by his experience of counter...
Fantasy fiction has existed for millennia. Be it through oral tradition, plays, novels, or film and ...
Book synopsis: When Allan Quatermain is approached by Sir Henry Curtis and his friend Captain Good t...
thesisIn Calderon's !'Life is a Dream", Segismundo,the son of Basilio,king of Poland,has teen kept i...
Shaka Inkosi yamaKhosi is a short animation film that is set on the narrative of uShaka ka Senzangak...
This narrative discusses the fundamentalist Muslim uprisings which happened in central Africa in the...
Genre: Legend. Title: Pion pikariwu. Aloysius Sinde-Pima, then village chief of Desa Lidi, recorded ...
Elechi Amadi’s (b. 1934) novel The Great Ponds is a stylized, only seemingly simple, story about a c...
Vuta nkuvute (A Tug of War) is a feature-length fiction screenplay based on Adam Shafis award-winnin...
Khaketla emphasises the essential and inner qualities of the medium of his novel Mosadi a nkhola (‘T...
Nanzi wants to become King told by Khaylly-Ann Aniceta, recorded on video for the Anansi Masters pro...
There are certain stories, the world over, that stir our hearts and minds to imaginings richer and d...