Fantasy fiction has existed for millennia. Be it through oral tradition, plays, novels, or film and shows on TV, these stories have captivated us with their characters, worlds, and the themes, morals, and messages portrayed within them. This story follows Neil, a young prince who is next in line for the throne of the kingdom of Elysia. Having spent nearly all his life inside the walls of the royal castle, Neil yearns to meet and connect with the people of his kingdom, abandon formalities, and grow stronger as a swordsman. Held back by his position and confined to the castle grounds, Neil escapes with the help of a trusted confidant and mentor, fleeing the castle with the promise of returning in the future after he has achieved his go...
King of Swords follows five teenage friends on the precipice of beginning their adult lives who find...
Amanda Eshelman decided to write about The Prince in her Middle Ages and Renaissance class primarily...
In six months Wyce has learned almost nothing about the research compound that has become his prison...
This fantasy novel-in-progress, provisionally titled The Dragon Prince (300,000 words), follows the ...
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.The thesis Blood Ties is...
For my honors thesis, I wrote a fantasy novel that reimagines the era of Nazi Germany and explores ...
The Crown of Madness is a 425 page High-Fantasy novel that follows the power struggles within three ...
Never Talk to Dragons, a 35,000 word fairytale fantasy for children, and its companion 5,000 word ex...
Witch King seeks to combine my undergraduate studies with my aspirations to become a novelist. The r...
A Land Beyond Our Own is a young adult book focused in the genre of high fantasy. Based in the fan...
Bloodlines is a novel in the fantasy genre, perhaps more specifically “dark” fantasy. Beyond enterta...
Master's thesis in Literacy studiesThe proposed thesis seeks to investigate how some of the characte...
Never Talk to Dragons, a 35,000 word fairytale fantasy for children, and its companion 5,000 word ex...
A Song Of Ice And Fire, being one of the fantasy series of novels written by the author George R.R. ...
For my thesis, I will be working on a classic fantasy novel with a modern twist. Titled The Legacy o...
King of Swords follows five teenage friends on the precipice of beginning their adult lives who find...
Amanda Eshelman decided to write about The Prince in her Middle Ages and Renaissance class primarily...
In six months Wyce has learned almost nothing about the research compound that has become his prison...
This fantasy novel-in-progress, provisionally titled The Dragon Prince (300,000 words), follows the ...
University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.The thesis Blood Ties is...
For my honors thesis, I wrote a fantasy novel that reimagines the era of Nazi Germany and explores ...
The Crown of Madness is a 425 page High-Fantasy novel that follows the power struggles within three ...
Never Talk to Dragons, a 35,000 word fairytale fantasy for children, and its companion 5,000 word ex...
Witch King seeks to combine my undergraduate studies with my aspirations to become a novelist. The r...
A Land Beyond Our Own is a young adult book focused in the genre of high fantasy. Based in the fan...
Bloodlines is a novel in the fantasy genre, perhaps more specifically “dark” fantasy. Beyond enterta...
Master's thesis in Literacy studiesThe proposed thesis seeks to investigate how some of the characte...
Never Talk to Dragons, a 35,000 word fairytale fantasy for children, and its companion 5,000 word ex...
A Song Of Ice And Fire, being one of the fantasy series of novels written by the author George R.R. ...
For my thesis, I will be working on a classic fantasy novel with a modern twist. Titled The Legacy o...
King of Swords follows five teenage friends on the precipice of beginning their adult lives who find...
Amanda Eshelman decided to write about The Prince in her Middle Ages and Renaissance class primarily...
In six months Wyce has learned almost nothing about the research compound that has become his prison...