pdf du manuscritThe phreatomagmatic eruption of Saint Hippolyte (Puy de Dôme, France) takes place at the end of a temperate phase of the Early Würm, 94 000 years B.P. Then, a lake settles in the maar crater. Sedimentological, palynological and paleontological results attest that sedimentation is dependant of climatic changes. Three main phases characterize the paleo-lake evolution : a pro-lacustrine phase (with progressive filling up and upraise of water level), a pleni-lacustrine phase (water level at its maximum and creation of an exsurgence) and a tardi-lacustrine phase (fall of the water level, erosion of<br />former deposits, stepped beaches). During the pro-lacustrine phase, paleolithic man (Mousterian) settles twice on the lake banks...