Authors have solved the shearing stresses on the cross-section of this canti lever subjected to a terminal transverse load which is paraIlel to one orfhogonal axis of cross-section by using the bipolar coordinates. The flexure function inrolved in the solution is determined from the given edge conditions with the aid of Fourier transforms.種々の形の横断面をもつcantileverが軸に直角方向の端末荷重によって曲げられるとき横断面に生ずる剪断応力については古くからいろいろの研究がある。本報もこれに一つの場合を加えるものである。また双極座標を用いた弾性問題も多くとかれているが本問題は扱われていない様である。筆者等は梁の横断面上の任意点の座標を曲線座標理論により直角座標より双極座標に変換し,この双極座標について微分方程式および局辺条件式をみたすSaint-Venantのたわみかん数をFourier積分の形でもとめた。さらに内接二円を横断面の周辺とする場合を円々座標を用いてといた。計算を簡単にするために曲げによるねじり作用がおこらぬ様に荷重の方向と対称軌の方向とが一致する場合のみを取扱った
A metallic plate with a square hole array is analyzed by the finite-difference time-domain method wi...
The dielectric property of polycrystalline tetrachloro-m-xylene has been investigated with the use o...
The author studied theoretically the viscous flow in a rounded pipe exit when the inertia terms in N...
The graphic method of the design of curve of derricking drum for derricking up the cantilever of the...
The machining of the eccentric cam is very easy because of the circular profile and, using this mech...
It is demonstrated theoretically that new terms shoud be inserted in the equation of turbulent diffu...
Tuning bars or free-free bars are in use for the independent synchronization of Facsimile and Teleph...
We treat the cycropentadien as if it had six π electrons, in orbitals made by combíng the five 2Pπc ...
Resistances of cylindrical resistors have been approximately calculated by means of a tentative met...
In the low frequency a ground wire has no transmission loss, but in the high frequency has some loss...
By the author\u27s method, he discuss the stability of the model α and the model β in the molecule o...
Continued from the 1st report, the authors investigated the rolling of internal threads using a die ...
Using lenear combined atomic orbital self-consistent molecular orbitals method, we calculate the ele...
A metallic plate with a square hole array is analyzed by the finite-difference time-domain method wi...
The dielectric property of polycrystalline tetrachloro-m-xylene has been investigated with the use o...
The author studied theoretically the viscous flow in a rounded pipe exit when the inertia terms in N...
The graphic method of the design of curve of derricking drum for derricking up the cantilever of the...
The machining of the eccentric cam is very easy because of the circular profile and, using this mech...
It is demonstrated theoretically that new terms shoud be inserted in the equation of turbulent diffu...
Tuning bars or free-free bars are in use for the independent synchronization of Facsimile and Teleph...
We treat the cycropentadien as if it had six π electrons, in orbitals made by combíng the five 2Pπc ...
Resistances of cylindrical resistors have been approximately calculated by means of a tentative met...
In the low frequency a ground wire has no transmission loss, but in the high frequency has some loss...
By the author\u27s method, he discuss the stability of the model α and the model β in the molecule o...
Continued from the 1st report, the authors investigated the rolling of internal threads using a die ...
Using lenear combined atomic orbital self-consistent molecular orbitals method, we calculate the ele...
A metallic plate with a square hole array is analyzed by the finite-difference time-domain method wi...
The dielectric property of polycrystalline tetrachloro-m-xylene has been investigated with the use o...
The author studied theoretically the viscous flow in a rounded pipe exit when the inertia terms in N...