"Zauberer in Unyamwezi" ("Sorcerer in Unyamwezi"). Two men sitting next to each other. One of them holding some objects (maybe some tools for divination). Shrubs in the background
"Kaffrischer Zauberdoktor und Gehilfe" ("A Kaffir magic doctor and assistant"). The sorcerer is stan...
"Zwei Alte beim Korbflechten. (Musangano.)" ("Two old men weaving baskets. (Musangano.)"). Two Afric...
"Zwei Basuto, der Stehende ist ein Sohn des Häuptlings Moscheh" ("Two Basuto, the one standing is a ...
"Die Zauberer am Werk[...]" ("The sorcerers at work[...]"). Photograh of an African man and two wome...
"Consultation des osselets" ("Casting bones for divination") Photograph of an African sorcerer casti...
"Zauberer in Kitunda, 1912" ("Sorcerer in Kitunda, 1912"). An old man sitting on a chair in front of...
"Zauberer in der Nähe von Tabora" ("Sorcerers near Tabora"). In the foreground a boy. Behind him two...
"Makoulane [Makulane]. Magicien et deux acolytes" ("Makoulane [Makulane]. Magician and two acolytes"...
"Matheo und Iwesi (sitzend) mit ihren Brautwerbern" ("Matheo and Iwesi (sitting) with their marriage...
"Ein Zauberdoktor in Ussoke (Ein Zauberdoktor mit einer Kasawo)" ("A witch doctor in Ussoke (A with ...
"Mparezauberer behandelt einen Kranken. Unten 'Instrumente' und 'Medikamente'" ("Pare sorcerer treat...
"Zauberer" ("Sorcerer"). Portrait of an African man wearing a fur and feather headdress and a neckla...
"Der Inder aus der Nähe Ussokes" ("The Indian from the vicinity of Ussoke"). Three men in front of a...
"Tischler Anton mit seinem Lehrjungen" ("Carpenter Anton with his apprentice"). Two African men; one...
"Volksberatung bei Muampuru" ("Public consultation at Muampuru's house"). In the front three men sit...
"Kaffrischer Zauberdoktor und Gehilfe" ("A Kaffir magic doctor and assistant"). The sorcerer is stan...
"Zwei Alte beim Korbflechten. (Musangano.)" ("Two old men weaving baskets. (Musangano.)"). Two Afric...
"Zwei Basuto, der Stehende ist ein Sohn des Häuptlings Moscheh" ("Two Basuto, the one standing is a ...
"Die Zauberer am Werk[...]" ("The sorcerers at work[...]"). Photograh of an African man and two wome...
"Consultation des osselets" ("Casting bones for divination") Photograph of an African sorcerer casti...
"Zauberer in Kitunda, 1912" ("Sorcerer in Kitunda, 1912"). An old man sitting on a chair in front of...
"Zauberer in der Nähe von Tabora" ("Sorcerers near Tabora"). In the foreground a boy. Behind him two...
"Makoulane [Makulane]. Magicien et deux acolytes" ("Makoulane [Makulane]. Magician and two acolytes"...
"Matheo und Iwesi (sitzend) mit ihren Brautwerbern" ("Matheo and Iwesi (sitting) with their marriage...
"Ein Zauberdoktor in Ussoke (Ein Zauberdoktor mit einer Kasawo)" ("A witch doctor in Ussoke (A with ...
"Mparezauberer behandelt einen Kranken. Unten 'Instrumente' und 'Medikamente'" ("Pare sorcerer treat...
"Zauberer" ("Sorcerer"). Portrait of an African man wearing a fur and feather headdress and a neckla...
"Der Inder aus der Nähe Ussokes" ("The Indian from the vicinity of Ussoke"). Three men in front of a...
"Tischler Anton mit seinem Lehrjungen" ("Carpenter Anton with his apprentice"). Two African men; one...
"Volksberatung bei Muampuru" ("Public consultation at Muampuru's house"). In the front three men sit...
"Kaffrischer Zauberdoktor und Gehilfe" ("A Kaffir magic doctor and assistant"). The sorcerer is stan...
"Zwei Alte beim Korbflechten. (Musangano.)" ("Two old men weaving baskets. (Musangano.)"). Two Afric...
"Zwei Basuto, der Stehende ist ein Sohn des Häuptlings Moscheh" ("Two Basuto, the one standing is a ...