"Ein Zauberdoktor in Ussoke (Ein Zauberdoktor mit einer Kasawo)" ("A witch doctor in Ussoke (A with doctor with a casawo)"). An African man. In the background a fence, behind the fence a house
"Ein Tänzer in Kitunda" ("A dancer in Kitunda"). In the foreground on a place a man with rumpled hai...
"Mwakaleli. Ein Kranker wird in der Hängematte ins Hospital eingeliefert. Dr. O. Fischer" ("Mwakalel...
Photograph of a Witch Doctor at Tumutumu in Kenya. The Witch Doctor is to the front of the picture ...
"Die Bürohütte eines Ältesten u. Lehrers in Musangano." ("The office hut of an elder and teacher in ...
Full length photograph of a Witch Doctor, probably of the Ngoni people. The man has animal skins rou...
“Der Sultan Kazwika” (“The sultan Kazwika”). African man with white cape and hat standing in front o...
"Zulu Zauberpriester bei der Ausübung seines Handwerks" ("Zulu witch doctor exercising his craft"). ...
“Der Häuptling von Mamba” (“The chief of Mamba”). Older man, dressed in drapery, close-up view of hi...
“Zauberdoktoren” (“Magic-doctors”). 7 Africans standing in a row next to each other, dressed in drap...
Photographie d'un sorcier africain portant l'une de ses différentes tenues. À l'arrière plan, une pa...
"Ein zahmer Springbock im Hof des Hotels in Dodoma. (Reisebild)" ("A tamed springbok in the yard of ...
"Eingeb. Heilgehilfe bei der Arbeit. Dr. O. Fischer" ("Na[tive] health assistant at work. Dr. O. Fis...
"Chez Mondada, (Film du traitement par les magiciens). Le magicien danse, accompagné des mélopées de...
"Zauberer in Unyamwezi" ("Sorcerer in Unyamwezi"). Two men sitting next to each other. One of them h...
"Ussoke. Waswezi (Zauberdoktoren)" ("Ussoke. Waswezi (witchdoctors)"). A group of Waswezi. All of th...
"Ein Tänzer in Kitunda" ("A dancer in Kitunda"). In the foreground on a place a man with rumpled hai...
"Mwakaleli. Ein Kranker wird in der Hängematte ins Hospital eingeliefert. Dr. O. Fischer" ("Mwakalel...
Photograph of a Witch Doctor at Tumutumu in Kenya. The Witch Doctor is to the front of the picture ...
"Die Bürohütte eines Ältesten u. Lehrers in Musangano." ("The office hut of an elder and teacher in ...
Full length photograph of a Witch Doctor, probably of the Ngoni people. The man has animal skins rou...
“Der Sultan Kazwika” (“The sultan Kazwika”). African man with white cape and hat standing in front o...
"Zulu Zauberpriester bei der Ausübung seines Handwerks" ("Zulu witch doctor exercising his craft"). ...
“Der Häuptling von Mamba” (“The chief of Mamba”). Older man, dressed in drapery, close-up view of hi...
“Zauberdoktoren” (“Magic-doctors”). 7 Africans standing in a row next to each other, dressed in drap...
Photographie d'un sorcier africain portant l'une de ses différentes tenues. À l'arrière plan, une pa...
"Ein zahmer Springbock im Hof des Hotels in Dodoma. (Reisebild)" ("A tamed springbok in the yard of ...
"Eingeb. Heilgehilfe bei der Arbeit. Dr. O. Fischer" ("Na[tive] health assistant at work. Dr. O. Fis...
"Chez Mondada, (Film du traitement par les magiciens). Le magicien danse, accompagné des mélopées de...
"Zauberer in Unyamwezi" ("Sorcerer in Unyamwezi"). Two men sitting next to each other. One of them h...
"Ussoke. Waswezi (Zauberdoktoren)" ("Ussoke. Waswezi (witchdoctors)"). A group of Waswezi. All of th...
"Ein Tänzer in Kitunda" ("A dancer in Kitunda"). In the foreground on a place a man with rumpled hai...
"Mwakaleli. Ein Kranker wird in der Hängematte ins Hospital eingeliefert. Dr. O. Fischer" ("Mwakalel...
Photograph of a Witch Doctor at Tumutumu in Kenya. The Witch Doctor is to the front of the picture ...