V članku je vpeljan pojem multiplikativnega Liejevega ▫$n$▫-odvajanja, ki predstavlja posplošitev pojma Liejevega (trojnega) odvajanja. Članek obravnava vprašanje, kdaj imajo vsa multiplikativna Liejeva ▫$n$▫-odvajanja trikotnega kolobarja ▫$mathcal{T}$▫ t.i. standardno obliko. Glavni rezultat se uporabi na klasičnih primerih trikotnih kolobarjev, kot so: gnezdne algebre in kolobarji (bločno) zgoraj trikotnih matrik.We introduce the notion of a multiplicative Lie ▫$n$▫-derivation of a ring, generalizing the notion of a Lie (triple) derivation. The main goal of the paper is to consider the question of when do all multiplicative Lie ▫$n$▫-derivations of a triangular ring ▫$mathcal{T}$▫ have the so-called standard form. The main result is appl...
Let X be a Banach space of dimension n > 1 and A ⊂ B(X )be a standard operator algebra. In the prese...
Tema ovog rada su Liejeve algebre. U prvom poglavlju se uvodi pojam Liejevealgebre te se navode nek...
V diplomskem delu definiramo Liejevo in asociativno algebro ter opišemo povezavo med njima. Vpeljemo...
AbstractWe introduce the notion of a multiplicative Lie n-derivation of a ring, generalizing the not...
Let $\mathrm{R}$ be a commutative ring with unity, $\mathrm{A},\mathrm{B}$ be $\mathrm{R}$-algebras...
Let R be a commutative ring with unity, A; B be R-algebras, M be (A; B)-bimodule and N be (B;A)-bimo...
AbstractLet R be a commutative ring with identity, A,B be unital algebras over R and M be a unital (...
V določenih kolobarjih z necentralnimi idempotenti karakteriziramo homomorfizme, odvajanja in multil...
Bu tezde, asal ve yarı asal halkalar ile 3 lü Lie sistemler üzerinde tanımlı Jordan türevler üzerin...
AbstractLet N(n,R) be the nilpotent Lie algebra consisting of all strictly upper triangular n×n matr...
Naj bo ▫${mathcal{T}}_{n}left( mathcal{C} right)$▫ algebra vseh ▫$n times n$▫ zgornje trikotnih matr...
V diplomskem delu definiramo pojem trikotne algebre. Dokažemo nekatere osnovne lastnosti in podamo os...
AbstractLet T be a triangular algebra over a commutative ring R. In this paper, under some mild cond...
Bak A, Donadze G, Inassaridze N, Ladra M. Homology of multiplicative Lie rings. Journal of Pure and ...
AbstractTwo homology theories of multiplicative Lie rings are constructed, studied and compared with...
Let X be a Banach space of dimension n > 1 and A ⊂ B(X )be a standard operator algebra. In the prese...
Tema ovog rada su Liejeve algebre. U prvom poglavlju se uvodi pojam Liejevealgebre te se navode nek...
V diplomskem delu definiramo Liejevo in asociativno algebro ter opišemo povezavo med njima. Vpeljemo...
AbstractWe introduce the notion of a multiplicative Lie n-derivation of a ring, generalizing the not...
Let $\mathrm{R}$ be a commutative ring with unity, $\mathrm{A},\mathrm{B}$ be $\mathrm{R}$-algebras...
Let R be a commutative ring with unity, A; B be R-algebras, M be (A; B)-bimodule and N be (B;A)-bimo...
AbstractLet R be a commutative ring with identity, A,B be unital algebras over R and M be a unital (...
V določenih kolobarjih z necentralnimi idempotenti karakteriziramo homomorfizme, odvajanja in multil...
Bu tezde, asal ve yarı asal halkalar ile 3 lü Lie sistemler üzerinde tanımlı Jordan türevler üzerin...
AbstractLet N(n,R) be the nilpotent Lie algebra consisting of all strictly upper triangular n×n matr...
Naj bo ▫${mathcal{T}}_{n}left( mathcal{C} right)$▫ algebra vseh ▫$n times n$▫ zgornje trikotnih matr...
V diplomskem delu definiramo pojem trikotne algebre. Dokažemo nekatere osnovne lastnosti in podamo os...
AbstractLet T be a triangular algebra over a commutative ring R. In this paper, under some mild cond...
Bak A, Donadze G, Inassaridze N, Ladra M. Homology of multiplicative Lie rings. Journal of Pure and ...
AbstractTwo homology theories of multiplicative Lie rings are constructed, studied and compared with...
Let X be a Banach space of dimension n > 1 and A ⊂ B(X )be a standard operator algebra. In the prese...
Tema ovog rada su Liejeve algebre. U prvom poglavlju se uvodi pojam Liejevealgebre te se navode nek...
V diplomskem delu definiramo Liejevo in asociativno algebro ter opišemo povezavo med njima. Vpeljemo...