Japanese animation, known as “anime,” is one of the most rapidly expanding forms of visual popular culture. Studio Ghibli, arguably Japan’s most beloved anime production studio, is one of the most internationally successful producers of high quality anime films. The studio’s canonical films include Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984), Laputa: Castle in the Sky (1986), Princess Mononoke (1997) and Howl’s Moving Castle (2004). This thesis analyzes the ways in which these works, often marginalized as children’s fare, illuminate the ways in which the cultures of Japan and America coalesce. Also explored is the way in which the strong bond between Japanese and American culture may act as a motivating force for the creation of a globalized ...
Japanese popular culture has developed in many unexpected and fascinating ways. From contemporary po...
This thesis examines shifting relations of labour, creativity, and political economy in the context ...
This project aims to investigate the cultural relationship between Japan and the US through explorin...
This article examines how Studio Ghibli constructs the mundane activities shown in their films as sp...
This thesis looks at the relationship between the landscape as representation and as\ud reality in J...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
For my thesis, I will be exploring the entire history of the medium of animation. Even in recent yea...
In the contemporary mass-mediated and boundary-crossing world, fictional narratives provide us with ...
[Abstract] In this chapter I delve into the many postmodern manifestations of Studio Ghibli’s produ...
UnrestrictedThis dissertation is an examination of the process by which cultural texts and related p...
This article examines ethnographically the production of anime (Japanese animated films and TV shows...
As an alternative reading of anime’s global consumption, this paper will explore the multiple ...
As Steven Brown points out in his introduction to Cinema Anime, anime’s global popularity has meant...
The ubiquitous nature of digital technology has had globalization and contents sharing promoted by c...
Studio Ghibli movies enjoy immense popularity globally, and a special place in the hearts of movie b...
Japanese popular culture has developed in many unexpected and fascinating ways. From contemporary po...
This thesis examines shifting relations of labour, creativity, and political economy in the context ...
This project aims to investigate the cultural relationship between Japan and the US through explorin...
This article examines how Studio Ghibli constructs the mundane activities shown in their films as sp...
This thesis looks at the relationship between the landscape as representation and as\ud reality in J...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
For my thesis, I will be exploring the entire history of the medium of animation. Even in recent yea...
In the contemporary mass-mediated and boundary-crossing world, fictional narratives provide us with ...
[Abstract] In this chapter I delve into the many postmodern manifestations of Studio Ghibli’s produ...
UnrestrictedThis dissertation is an examination of the process by which cultural texts and related p...
This article examines ethnographically the production of anime (Japanese animated films and TV shows...
As an alternative reading of anime’s global consumption, this paper will explore the multiple ...
As Steven Brown points out in his introduction to Cinema Anime, anime’s global popularity has meant...
The ubiquitous nature of digital technology has had globalization and contents sharing promoted by c...
Studio Ghibli movies enjoy immense popularity globally, and a special place in the hearts of movie b...
Japanese popular culture has developed in many unexpected and fascinating ways. From contemporary po...
This thesis examines shifting relations of labour, creativity, and political economy in the context ...
This project aims to investigate the cultural relationship between Japan and the US through explorin...