Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evolution of a specific parameter. Environmental indicators are related to the environment quality and are specifically used to monitor the quality of the environment and to measure the environmental performance. They can be categorized into specific, composite and personal environmental indicators. A review of the personal environmental indicators used in the literature are presented here. Personal environmental indicators include indicators related to the attitudes and behaviours of citizens towards environmental issues. The main personal environmental indicators reported in the literature are: the New Environmental Paradigm Scale, the Environ...
This publication gives an overview about the behavior of household concern to environmental conditio...
Given that human behaviour is a major cause of environmental problems, psychology can play a crucial...
Sociologists have studied environmental attitudes for over two decades. Much of this research has so...
Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evo...
Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evo...
The notion of environmental dispositions is offered as a means of tapping significant environment-re...
Work on indicators is critically reviewed, focusing on a number of key issues ; air and water pollut...
In line with increasing concerns regarding environmental sustainability, research on how pro-environ...
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Any scientific attempt to understand, predict, or promote pro-environmental beha...
The multivariate relationship between environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behaviour was ex...
This paper expands the work on perception of risk to the Self from hazards in the environment by dev...
This paper contributes to the recent literature exploring the determinants of individual environment...
Are individuals able to self-assess the environmental impact of their behavior? To answer this quest...
Data from the 1999-2001 World Values Survey (WVS), the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), and...
In recent years, environmental indicators have become a vital component of environmental impact asse...
This publication gives an overview about the behavior of household concern to environmental conditio...
Given that human behaviour is a major cause of environmental problems, psychology can play a crucial...
Sociologists have studied environmental attitudes for over two decades. Much of this research has so...
Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evo...
Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evo...
The notion of environmental dispositions is offered as a means of tapping significant environment-re...
Work on indicators is critically reviewed, focusing on a number of key issues ; air and water pollut...
In line with increasing concerns regarding environmental sustainability, research on how pro-environ...
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Any scientific attempt to understand, predict, or promote pro-environmental beha...
The multivariate relationship between environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behaviour was ex...
This paper expands the work on perception of risk to the Self from hazards in the environment by dev...
This paper contributes to the recent literature exploring the determinants of individual environment...
Are individuals able to self-assess the environmental impact of their behavior? To answer this quest...
Data from the 1999-2001 World Values Survey (WVS), the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), and...
In recent years, environmental indicators have become a vital component of environmental impact asse...
This publication gives an overview about the behavior of household concern to environmental conditio...
Given that human behaviour is a major cause of environmental problems, psychology can play a crucial...
Sociologists have studied environmental attitudes for over two decades. Much of this research has so...