Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evolution of a specific parameter. Environmental indicators are related to the environment quality and are specifically used to monitor the quality of the environment and to measure the environmental performance. They can be categorized into specific, composite and personal environmental indicators. A review of the specific environmental indicators used in the literature are presented here. Specific environmental indicators include indicators related to the natural or to the anthropogenic environment. The specific environmental indicators for the natural environment are mainly related to climate change, reduction of the ozone layer, air quality,...
In response to growing concern about human-induced environmental degradation, a number of countries ...
A vast body of literature exists on the genesis and evolution of environmental indicators of all var...
M Environmental Sciences, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2016Ecological sustainability...
Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evo...
Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evo...
Work on indicators is critically reviewed, focusing on a number of key issues ; air and water pollut...
Considerations involved in developing a suite of indicators to monitor regional environmental health...
One of the priorities of the modern economy is the optimal use of natural resources in economic acti...
This paper reviews the existing literature on environmental performance indicators as they relate to...
Work on indicators is critically reviewed, focusing on a number of key issues ; air and water pollut...
In recent years, environmental indicators have become a vital component of environmental impact asse...
Despite the fact that environmental indicators are investigated for long time the solving o f indica...
This document presents fifteen technical guidelines to evaluate the suitability of an ecological ind...
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) has prepared technica...
The article is devoted to the search of indicators, which reflect the ecological conditions and envi...
In response to growing concern about human-induced environmental degradation, a number of countries ...
A vast body of literature exists on the genesis and evolution of environmental indicators of all var...
M Environmental Sciences, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2016Ecological sustainability...
Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evo...
Indicators are used in almost every scientific field to quantify and/or record and/or follow the evo...
Work on indicators is critically reviewed, focusing on a number of key issues ; air and water pollut...
Considerations involved in developing a suite of indicators to monitor regional environmental health...
One of the priorities of the modern economy is the optimal use of natural resources in economic acti...
This paper reviews the existing literature on environmental performance indicators as they relate to...
Work on indicators is critically reviewed, focusing on a number of key issues ; air and water pollut...
In recent years, environmental indicators have become a vital component of environmental impact asse...
Despite the fact that environmental indicators are investigated for long time the solving o f indica...
This document presents fifteen technical guidelines to evaluate the suitability of an ecological ind...
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) has prepared technica...
The article is devoted to the search of indicators, which reflect the ecological conditions and envi...
In response to growing concern about human-induced environmental degradation, a number of countries ...
A vast body of literature exists on the genesis and evolution of environmental indicators of all var...
M Environmental Sciences, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2016Ecological sustainability...