Pola pemberian makan pada balita yang tidak tepat bisa berdampak pada pertumbuhan balita. Stunting merupakan gagal tumbuh akibat malnutrisi yang menyerang anak di bawah usia lima tahun. Stunting dapat berdampak pada tingkat kecerdasan berkurang dan rentan terhadap suatu penyakit. “Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pola pemberian makan dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di Posyandu Desa Pudak Kulon Kecamatan Pudak.”“Penelitian ini menggunakan metode corelatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 46 responden.“Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sampling.”Sedangkan instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan juga microtoice dan dikonversikan ke dalam nilai terstand...
Stunting is a form of malnutrition which is characterized by an indicator of height according to age...
Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem that is caused by a lack of nutrition in a long time due ...
Parenting is a method used to help children grow and develop by caring for, educating, and guiding t...
Pola pemberian makan pada balita yang tidak tepat bisa berdampak pada pertumbuhan balita. Stunting m...
Stunting is a form when a toddler's height or body length is lower than his age. Several risk factor...
Stunting is one of the nutritional problems that occur in toddlers due to chronic malnutrition. Chro...
Permasalahan gizi masih menjadi masalah utama di Indonesia yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas sumber d...
Background: Stunting is a result of a malnutrition state that accumulates for an extended time and i...
Stunting is a condition where the height index for age is below minus 2 standard deviations based on...
Stunting is when a child grows slowly and is not as tall as the average child, caused by malnutritio...
Stunting describes the unfulfilled intake of nutrients needed by toddlers that has been going on for...
Stunting is ashort body condition according to the age which exceed the 2 SD (Standard Deviation) de...
Stunting is a cumulative process and is caused by insufficient intake of nutrients or recurrent infe...
Pendahuluan: Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan akibat kekurangan gizi kronis yang ditunjukkan den...
Stunting is one of the nutritional problems experienced by several countries in the world, especiall...
Stunting is a form of malnutrition which is characterized by an indicator of height according to age...
Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem that is caused by a lack of nutrition in a long time due ...
Parenting is a method used to help children grow and develop by caring for, educating, and guiding t...
Pola pemberian makan pada balita yang tidak tepat bisa berdampak pada pertumbuhan balita. Stunting m...
Stunting is a form when a toddler's height or body length is lower than his age. Several risk factor...
Stunting is one of the nutritional problems that occur in toddlers due to chronic malnutrition. Chro...
Permasalahan gizi masih menjadi masalah utama di Indonesia yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas sumber d...
Background: Stunting is a result of a malnutrition state that accumulates for an extended time and i...
Stunting is a condition where the height index for age is below minus 2 standard deviations based on...
Stunting is when a child grows slowly and is not as tall as the average child, caused by malnutritio...
Stunting describes the unfulfilled intake of nutrients needed by toddlers that has been going on for...
Stunting is ashort body condition according to the age which exceed the 2 SD (Standard Deviation) de...
Stunting is a cumulative process and is caused by insufficient intake of nutrients or recurrent infe...
Pendahuluan: Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan akibat kekurangan gizi kronis yang ditunjukkan den...
Stunting is one of the nutritional problems experienced by several countries in the world, especiall...
Stunting is a form of malnutrition which is characterized by an indicator of height according to age...
Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem that is caused by a lack of nutrition in a long time due ...
Parenting is a method used to help children grow and develop by caring for, educating, and guiding t...