Pesatnya teknologi informasi tidak sepadan dengan kesadaran masyarakat khususnya konsumen E-commerce terkait bagaimana mempertahankan hak-haknya yang telah dilindungi melalui Undang Undang No.8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Berdasarkan putusan pidana khusus nomor Nomor: 79/Pid.Sus/2022/Pn.Msb yang diteliti, sebuah toko fiktif yang menyebarkan iklan yang menyesatkan yang di sebarkan pada sebuah platform media sosial instagram. Kecurangan pelaku usaha berupa toko fiktif tersebut jelas menimbulkan kerugian bagi pihak konsumen transaksi online atau e-commerce itu sendiri dan jelas pelaku usaha telah melanggar hak-hak dari konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan spesifikasi penelitian deskrip...
Penjual yang menggunakan gambar hasil dari pencurian terhadap Hak Cipta baik berupa gambar, kaligraf...
Perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen pengguna kosmetik yang dijual melalui media sosial berdasarkan Pasa...
Online buying and selling transactions are basically the same as conventional buying and selling whi...
Thisstudy is to findout how legal protection forconsumers ine-commerce is. When consumers harm-ed in...
The purpose of this study are as follows: a) To find out what are the obstacles and constraints in t...
The research in this thesis discusses the legal protection obtained by consumers in conducting a tra...
ABSTRACT At this time many Severability Sell Online Buy Clothes Through Transactions Blackberry Mes...
The existence of E-commerce can provide convenience to consumers, However, with the proliferation of...
Economic online has the function of integration of marketing, implementation of E-Commerce strategie...
E-commerce itu sendiri merupakan suatu proses perdagangan yang memiliki karakteristik sendiri dimana...
Information technology and communication has developed so vast and one of the results is the conveni...
There are various kinds of online buying and selling, Instagram and Shopee e-commerce media that are...
Information technology and communication has developed so vast and one of the results is the conveni...
This study aims to describe consumers' rights to information in buying and selling transactions onli...
This study examines the legal protection of consumers in making transactions through online methods ...
Penjual yang menggunakan gambar hasil dari pencurian terhadap Hak Cipta baik berupa gambar, kaligraf...
Perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen pengguna kosmetik yang dijual melalui media sosial berdasarkan Pasa...
Online buying and selling transactions are basically the same as conventional buying and selling whi...
Thisstudy is to findout how legal protection forconsumers ine-commerce is. When consumers harm-ed in...
The purpose of this study are as follows: a) To find out what are the obstacles and constraints in t...
The research in this thesis discusses the legal protection obtained by consumers in conducting a tra...
ABSTRACT At this time many Severability Sell Online Buy Clothes Through Transactions Blackberry Mes...
The existence of E-commerce can provide convenience to consumers, However, with the proliferation of...
Economic online has the function of integration of marketing, implementation of E-Commerce strategie...
E-commerce itu sendiri merupakan suatu proses perdagangan yang memiliki karakteristik sendiri dimana...
Information technology and communication has developed so vast and one of the results is the conveni...
There are various kinds of online buying and selling, Instagram and Shopee e-commerce media that are...
Information technology and communication has developed so vast and one of the results is the conveni...
This study aims to describe consumers' rights to information in buying and selling transactions onli...
This study examines the legal protection of consumers in making transactions through online methods ...
Penjual yang menggunakan gambar hasil dari pencurian terhadap Hak Cipta baik berupa gambar, kaligraf...
Perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen pengguna kosmetik yang dijual melalui media sosial berdasarkan Pasa...
Online buying and selling transactions are basically the same as conventional buying and selling whi...