東京近くの中仙道の藤といえば「牛島の藤」(現春日部市牛島)であろう(定かではない)。とすれば、かつては真言宗連花院の境内だった所で、弘法大師お手植えと伝承のある藤が残る。樹齢1200年、藤棚の面積700㎡に及ぶといわれるこの藤は、昭和3年(1928)に国の特別天然記念物に指定された。現在、民営の「藤花園」が藤園を運営している。Wisteria blossoms on Nakasendo probably refers to the wisteria at Ushijima (present-day Ushijima in Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture), but this is not certain. If so, however, this would be the Shingon Sect Rengein Temple grounds where wisterias, said to have been planted by Kobo Daishi (the founder of the Shingon Sect), still can be found today. The wisteria trees are 1,200 years old, and the plot is some 700 square meters in area. The trees were designated a National Natural Monument in 1928. A private company called Tokaen currently manages the garden