玄宮園(げんきゅうえん)は、彦根城の北三の丸にある井伊家旧下屋敷の庭園。四代藩主・井伊直興(いいなおおき)が、延宝7年(1679)に完成させた、中国の瀟湘八景(しょうしょうはっけい)・近江八景を取れ入れた池泉回遊式庭園で、江戸初期の作庭を今日に伝えるもの。名前は、中国唐代の玄宗皇帝の離宮から取ったものである。Genkyu-en is the garden at the former second residence of the Ii family in the San-no-maru section of Hikone Castle. It was completed by the 4th feudal lord of the Oumi Domain, Ii Naooki, in 1679. A garden of the chisenkaiyu style, it incorporates features of the Chinese "Eight Scenes of Xiaoxiang" and the "Eight Scenes of Oumi" and to this day provides an excellent example of early Edo Period landscaping. The name is derived from the villa of Chinese Emperor Xuanzong (685-763) of the Tang Dynasty