ヨシあるいはカヤで家(cise)の屋根と壁を葺いている。母屋に前小屋(左側)が附属する。家屋裏(右側)は神聖な区域で、木幣(inaw)を置く祭壇がある。その手前には丸太を井桁状に組んだ子熊飼育用の檻、魚を干していると思われる物干し台が見える。目録番号3002「北海道アイヌの倉庫」に隣接している。Ditch reeds and or cogon grasses were used in the walls and roofs of the "cise" houses. The "maegoya" cottage on the left is an annex to the "omoya" main house. The back of the main house was a sacred area with a shrine where "inaw" willow or dogwood wigs were offered on an altar. The device made from parallel cross logs in the foreground is a cage to rear infant bears. Poles to hang and dry fish are seen as well. This was adjacent to the "Ainu warehouses" depicted in photograph #3002