那智には「四十八滝」という名称があり、多くの滝がある。その中で最も雄大かつ有名なのが「一の滝」とか「大滝」と呼ばれている写真の滝。ここは熊野三山の一つ、熊野那智大社が鎮座するが、これは大滝を神聖視する原始信仰に始まるという。また、那智は山岳修験の霊場で、大滝は入山のために禊をする場であった。Nachi is also called "Forty-eight Falls," and, as the name suggests, has many waterfalls. The most spectacular and famous is the one shown here called "Ichi-no-Taki" or "O-taki." Kumano Nachi Taisha, one of the three major shrines in the Kumano region, is also located here. The shrine is said to date back to ancient times when this waterfall was thought to be a sacred place. Nachi was also a holy place for pilgrims who purified themselves at the waterfall before going up into the forest