中禅寺湖からイロハ坂を下り、途中の女人堂から大谷川の深沢に下りて、しばらく歩くとこの滝がある。落ち口が迫り出し、滝の裏が覗けることから「小裏見」とも呼ばれる。方等滝と般若滝はともに近くにあることから、明治初期から昭和初期の間に、互いの名前が頻繁に入れ替わった。This waterfall is reached by descending Iroha Slope from Lake Chuzenji, passing Nyonindo and continuing to Fukazawa on Daiya River, and then walking a short distance. Since the mouth of the falls protrudes, revealing the back of the falls, this waterfall is also called "kourami" (glimpse of the back). The proximity of this waterfall and Han'nya Falls resulted in their names often being interchanged from the Meiji to early Showa Period