愛宕山はわずか標高26mの小丘だが、市中の低地にあるので、江戸一番の眺望のよい場所として知られていた。初日の出を拝み、月を眺め、雪見をして風流を楽しんだ。明治30年(1897)頃の祭りの日である。子供が神輿を担いでいる。右の店は「小西屋」という酒屋。現在は屋号を「愛宕小西」と変え、場所を写真手前に移し営業中である。Mt. Atago is a small hill of only 26 meters in height. However, because it was located in a flat area, it was known for its panoramic view and became a favourite spot to enjoy the New Year's sunrise, moon viewing and snow viewing. This photograph depicts a festival day around 1897. Children are carrying a mikoshi (portable shrine). On the right is the liquor shop Konishiya. At present, the shop stands in the foreground and its name has been changed to Atago Konishi