法観寺五重塔を南東に延びる小道から北西に望む。五重塔は八坂の塔とも呼ばれ、永享12年(1440)に足利義教により建立され、元和4年(1618)に大修理された。本瓦葺、各方約5.5m、高さ40mである。5階の物見柵は明治41年(1908)の大改修時に撤去されたので、写真はそれ以前の撮影。近世には塔の周囲に建つ家々は辰巳新地と呼ばれた遊廓であった。玉村康三郎撮影。The five-story pagoda of Hokanji Temple is viewed from a path stretching southeast, facing northwest. The pagoda, also called Yasaka Tower, was built in 1440 by Ashikaga Yoshinori and underwent major repair work in 1618. Featuring a tiled roof, it is 40m tall and 5.5m wide. The photograph must have been taken before 1908, when the fence on the fifth story was removed during major repair work. The houses around the pagoda are brothels, and the area is currently called Tatsumi-Shinchi. Taken by Tamamura Kozaburo