Book review: Michael O’Connor, Cajetan’s Biblical Commentaries. Motive and Method, Brill, Leiden, 2017, xvi + 302 p. ISBN: 978-04-32506-7Tomizm biblijny. Co dalej?Recenzja książki: Michael O’Connor, Cajetan’s Biblical Commentaries. Motive and Method, Brill, Leiden, 2017, xvi + 302 ss. ISBN: 978-04-32506-
If our conversations about the Bible, its meaning, and its authority seem always to prove fruitless,...
CITATION: Thom, J C. 2015. Abraham Malherbe se bydrae tot Hellenistiese filosofie en die vroeë Chris...
Starting out from John Barclay's Lutheran‐inclined, actualist reading of the in‐breaking quality of ...
Book review: Michael O’Connor, Cajetan’s Biblical Commentaries. Motive and Method, Brill, Leiden, 20...
Przyszłość tomizmu biblijnego: refleksje nad francuskim przekładem komentarzy św. Tomasza z Akwinu d...
In the face of the dichotomy of biblical exegesis and theology, one of the main postulates of Biblic...
This article presents the history and main assumptions of biblical Thomism, which began with an atte...
Książka zawiera studia nad egzegezą biblijną św. Tomasza z Akwinu, podejmując zagadnienia metody heu...
An exposition of the principal aspects and inherent difficulties in the interpretation of Thomism th...
This chapter surveys the soteriology of some key late-mediaeval thinkers. It is claimed that Bonaven...
Book review: Gerald O’Collins, Revelation. Towards a Christian Interpretation of God’s Self-revelati...
Book review: Randall B. Smith, Reading the Sermons of Thomas Aquinas: A Beginner’s Guide, Steubenvil...
Odpowiedź na tytułowe tylko pozornie wydaje się być prosta, bo to pytanie implikuje cały szereg kwes...
In his commentary on the Letter to the Hebrews (cap. IV), St. Thomas considers the rest of God after...
The book under review is one of the latest monographs of the renowned scholar, a retired professor ...
If our conversations about the Bible, its meaning, and its authority seem always to prove fruitless,...
CITATION: Thom, J C. 2015. Abraham Malherbe se bydrae tot Hellenistiese filosofie en die vroeë Chris...
Starting out from John Barclay's Lutheran‐inclined, actualist reading of the in‐breaking quality of ...
Book review: Michael O’Connor, Cajetan’s Biblical Commentaries. Motive and Method, Brill, Leiden, 20...
Przyszłość tomizmu biblijnego: refleksje nad francuskim przekładem komentarzy św. Tomasza z Akwinu d...
In the face of the dichotomy of biblical exegesis and theology, one of the main postulates of Biblic...
This article presents the history and main assumptions of biblical Thomism, which began with an atte...
Książka zawiera studia nad egzegezą biblijną św. Tomasza z Akwinu, podejmując zagadnienia metody heu...
An exposition of the principal aspects and inherent difficulties in the interpretation of Thomism th...
This chapter surveys the soteriology of some key late-mediaeval thinkers. It is claimed that Bonaven...
Book review: Gerald O’Collins, Revelation. Towards a Christian Interpretation of God’s Self-revelati...
Book review: Randall B. Smith, Reading the Sermons of Thomas Aquinas: A Beginner’s Guide, Steubenvil...
Odpowiedź na tytułowe tylko pozornie wydaje się być prosta, bo to pytanie implikuje cały szereg kwes...
In his commentary on the Letter to the Hebrews (cap. IV), St. Thomas considers the rest of God after...
The book under review is one of the latest monographs of the renowned scholar, a retired professor ...
If our conversations about the Bible, its meaning, and its authority seem always to prove fruitless,...
CITATION: Thom, J C. 2015. Abraham Malherbe se bydrae tot Hellenistiese filosofie en die vroeë Chris...
Starting out from John Barclay's Lutheran‐inclined, actualist reading of the in‐breaking quality of ...